Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Monday, October 18th, 2010

Today is my 10 month birthday!

And as each month passes, I get more and more interested in that cupcake!
I inspected it up and down!
So much so that the cupcake got ruined this month.
Now that I'm a big 10-month-old, I'm doing lots of things!

My motor skills are coming along quite nicely! I crawl everywhere, including up the stairs! And I love to crawl through my red tunnel ... I think I'm pretty slick sneaking through there! I can also pull myself up and stand anywhere. And I am practicing my walking skills. Although not able to walk on my own, I can easily walk behind my walkers, while pushing my dolly in her stroller, or with assistance from Mom and Dad (of course)! Additionally, I'm taking after my Mommy and am dancing to any music that I hear! Yay! Mommy is so proud! Whenever I hear music of any kind, I wave my hands in the air and bounce up and down. It's so cute!

I am talking, or should I say jabber-wacking, up a storm! I can clearly say: "Mama, Dada, and Nana." Mommy and Daddy also think I'm attempting to say "Summer" (my puppy). And just today I said "Ah-Bye" (bye-bye). I also chatter and babble lots throughout the day.

And great news ... my pediatrician gave me the go-ahead to start trying dairy and soy products again! Whooo Hooo! As many of you know, at 4 months I was diagnosed with a milk protein and soy intolerance. Therefore, I couldn't have anything with any sort of dairy or soy products. It was tough. However, now we're starting to reintroduce those items into my diet and boy is it yummy!
I'm eating lots of little finger and/or soft foods like cereal puffs, bananas, cooked carrots, bits of cheese, yogurt, avocado, macaroni and cheese, and even ice cream! Ohhhh ... that ice cream was soooooo good! Here I am eating mac-and-cheese for the first time! Mmmmm...
As far as physical development goes, I'm about 20 pounds and 29 inches long. That puts me consistently in the 90th percentile for height and 70th percentile for weight. Additionally, I have sprouted 2 little teeth on the bottom. I also have lots of hair that Mommy has even put in a pony-tail a couple of times. She says I look like Pebbles from the Flinstones, whatever that is!

And mentally, I'm "sharp as a tack!" I notice everything!!! I guess you'd call me extremely observant ... I take it all in and process it. I can pick out lots of people and things. I can find Mom, Dad, Summer, Nana, and Papa in person or in photographs. I can also find and crawl to my ball, blankie, nukkie, book, or baby when asked. I can point to Mommy's nose and mouth when asked. I also know that there are lots of geese on our pond in the backyard so when I hear geese honking or hear the word "geese," I immediately point to outside. I also know airplanes are in the sky and point to those as well. I can play peek-a-boo all by myself, meaning I cover my face with a blanket and pull it down to surprise whoever is playing with me! I also wave hello and good-bye. And I can give high-fives when asked. Just call me a genius! hahaha Just Kidding!

Anyway, Mommy and Nana took me to the MN Zoo to celebrate the big 1-0 month! It was awesome! I'll post pictures of that on the next blog update!

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