Sunday, October 24, 2010

MN Zoo

As promised, here are some pictures of my first trip to the MN Zoo (from last week)! It was awesome! We're going back with my friend, Kendall, next Saturday for a Hall-ZOO-een event! Yay!

Here we are on the "Tropics Trail!" It was so neat! They had all sorts of animals from around the world that live in tropical areas.
Here we are watching the monkeys! They were so funny!
One monkey was really loud ... he was yelling and making lots of noise while we watched him.

This was my favorite monkey. He swang from tree to tree with his long arms. He was so cute!
Another one of my favorite exhibits was the bears. They were really big! And, it was really cool to watch them swim.
Something else that was super fun for me was the zoo-themed playground! I rode a walleye (especially for my Uncle Phil ... he loves to fish and catch walleye at the cabin).
And I sat in a birds' nest. The bird eggs were as big as me ... how silly!
Can't wait for next weekend to go back and show Kendall all the cool stuff at the MN Zoo!

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