October 31st, 2010
Happy Halloween Everybody!

This being my first Halloween, I sure did LOTS of fun stuff to celebrate! We even started the celebrations a week before the actual day. Mom and Dad took me to an event in Maple Grove last weekend where I got to debut my cute costume!
Stirring and stirring my brew, whooooooo!

We went to the Maple Grove Halloween celebration with my boyfriend, Brady, and his parents. I guess you could call this our first date! hehehe He was quite the gentleman!
And then this past weekend was filled with Halloween fun! On Friday night, my Grammie Flanagan came over to see me all dressed up.

She thought I looked adorable!
And then on Saturday, I went to the MN Zoo for their Hall-ZOO-een event with my friend Kendall!
What big girls we are!
We saw lots of neat animals ... I even showed Daddy the silly monkeys!
We sure had fun at the zoo ... and I was such a good girl all day! I was pretty tuckered out though by the end of the day.

And then came the actual day of Halloween. In the spirit of Halloween, we started the day with all orange food.
Then, I went to the cemetery with Mommy, Nana, Papa, and Great-Grandpa.

Today is the 2 year anniversary of my Great-Grandma Adele's passing.
I even showed Great-Grandma Adele how I can crawl now!
And then, the Halloween festivities began! I dressed up as a ballerina until it was time to put my piggy/lamb costume back on.

And my Nana, Papa, Uncle Phil, and Aunt Chelsey came over. We made home-made pizzas for dinner and I helped!
And look at the silly pumpkin cake my Mommy made for dessert. She was pretty proud of her cake decorating!
Then I played with my family until it was time to go trick-or-treating!

Phil and Chelsey even read me a spooky story to get me in the mood for All Hallow's Eve!
And then the time finally arrived for costumes and candy!

Aunt Chelsey and all the neighbors thought I was the cutest pink pig/lamb they'd ever seen!

After trick-or-treating at a few houses, I came home with the loot! I decided I'd share some!
Yum, Yum, Yum!

Happy Halloween!
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