Monday, October 8, 2012

Firsts ...

October 8th, 2012

The past few days have been filled with firsts for me.  I got my first real haircut (I know ... it was a long time coming)!  Mom loves my hair long because she can put it in pig-tails and pony tails, so she was reluctant to cut it but decided it was time to get a trim!
I was such a good girl in the chair!  I didn't move at all!
Ohhhhh ... Getting a beautiful braid in my hair!
Thumbs up ... Job well done!
Another first for me is turning my crib into a toddler bed.  Again, I know it's late in coming but I absolutely LOVE my crib and really didn't want Mom and Dad to change my bed.  Plus, there's a stipulation at our house ... I get a "big girl" bed when I can get rid of my nukies.  I haven't gotten rid of them yet so it's not a total "big girl" bed, it's a toddler bed ... I guess you could say we're in transition.

I was kind of sad before the big "switch-a-roo."
But then I realized that nothing was really going to change other than I'd be able to get in and out of my bed all by myself!
 And here's the new bed ... 
 On my first morning of the toddler bed, I woke up all by myself, turned on my lights, opened my door and walked quietly into Mommy and Daddy's room and surprised them this morning!  It was great!


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