Monday, September 17, 2012

Pumpkin Patch and 8 Months!

This past weekend Mom, Teague, and I went up to the cabin with Nana and Papa.  One of the really fun things that we did was visit a pumpkin patch!  When we first arrived, I checked out all the animals in the petting zoo.  I even got to hold a baby bunny!  He was so cute and soft!
Here's Papa and I on the big hay mountain!
Check out all these cool pumpkins!  We bought a white one and a blue one!  Neat-O!
Mommy's Little Punkins!
 And ... Teague is officially 8 months old today!
 He's such a happy boy!  He loves to smile and laugh!
 And he's "talking up a storm" ... Teague loves to jabber-whack.  He makes lots of funny sounds (and funny faces, as you can see below).  However, no "real" words have been said yet.
Overall, Teague is a sweet, happy little boy!  He LOVES his Mommy (such a Mama's boy)!  He's crawling a lot and loves exploring.  He is going to really keep us busy as he grows and explores!  He also loves to play!  He is starting to eat some solids and is just beginning to sleep through the night (a little bit).  What a joy he has brought to our family!

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