Sunday, November 27, 2011


Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you had a great holiday weekend and enjoyed your turkey day!  I have so much to be thankful for.  I am most thankful for my family!  

And speaking of family, I had lots of family fun this weekend ...

Before Thanksgiving, Mom and I made hand turkeys.  Obviously Mom traced my hand but I did the "coloring" and placed the feathers.  Pretty good for a 23 month old, huh?!
On Thanksgiving, we went to my Nana and Papa's house.  I got there early because they had an early birthday present for me!  Here they are leading me to the gift ...
 Ta-Da!  It's a motorized Barbie car!  Isn't it awesome?!  I sure am thankful for neat toys like this!
 I was excited to get in but also a little timid at first.

Once I got in, I had to check out all the buttons.  My car even has a working FM radio!
And then it was off to the open road!  I loved driving!  Look out Mom and Dad ... 16 is just around the corner!

 And then it was turkey time!  I especially liked the mashed potatoes.
After Thanksgiving dinner, one of our family traditions is to decorate a gingerbread house.  Here I am helping to put on the candies.

 Another fun thing I got to do this weekend was go to the movie "Happy Feet 2."  Here I am with my little cup of popcorn and juice! I'm thankful that Mom and Dad take me to do such fun things!

Another thing I'm especially grateful for is ice cream!  I love me some "cream" as I call it!  In fact, I love it so much that after eating my chocolate ice cream with my spoon, I decided to put the entire bowl up to my face and "drink" it.  What a chocolately, gooey mess!  Yum!

I'm also thankful for my little brother-to-be, Teague.  He should be arriving in a few weeks.  Here's his room.  I helped put it together.

And finally, to round out my Thanksgiving weekend, Dad bought me a special cookie!  It was my first gingerbread man.  I sure thought he was cute!
And he tasted pretty good too! 
 My favorite part were his red M&M buttons and the icing (as you can see, I'm licking off the icing).
Happy Thanksgiving!

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