Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tuesday, September 7th, 2010

Labor Day Weekend!
What a super fun weekend I had up at the cabin with my family! We did so much cool stuff!

Now that I'm crawling EVERYWHERE, Nana made me a special, safe play area that we called the "dog free zone."

I sure had fun scooting all around!

But even though the 3 dogs weren't allowed in my play area, I still enjoyed playing with them. Here I am with my Uncle Phil's dog, Bear. He's a big boy!

One of my favorite "cabin traditions" is the daily morning coffee stop followed by a walk on the Paul Bunyan Trail.

Brrrrr ... it was cold along the trail!

Along the trail is a real train because Nisswa used to be a major logging town (think lumberjacks) and railroad stop. Here I am on my version of the Nisswa Express ... "All Aboard!"

Another cool thing along the trail is the Pioneer Village. My Papa has been wanting to snoop around this historic site for 6 years now. Every time we try to stop, it's been closed. But lucky for us, it was finally open this weekend! Here we are learning the history of Nisswa.

This is the 1-room school house. If Mommy had been alive back then, this is what she would have taught in!

The main immigrant groups of Nisswa were Swedish, Norwegian, and German. Therefore, the Pioneer Village has houses for all 3 groups. Both the Swedish and the Norwegian house were decorated so cute (for the times).

After all that walking on the trail and exploring at the Pioneer Village, I was all tuckered out!

Another really fun thing I got to do, because I'm such a big girl now, is swing in the hammock swing! Yippee!

"Nana ... push me higher!"

I was having so much fun in that swing that Mom had to join me!

"I love you too Mommy!"

As you probably know, my Mom is quite the shopper ... she loves clothes and shoes! So, whenever we're up at the cabin, we always do some shopping. I am a really great shopper too! I love to go to all the stores. Plus, I usually get something special! This time, there were no clothes that I just "had to have." So, Nana bought me this silly toy!

It's a silly squirrely thing that sings a funky song! I like her ... she makes me smile!

Another cabin tradition is pizza Friday! We always have pizza for dinner on Friday night. Here I am out to dinner, being such a good girl!

Can't wait until I can actually eat some of that pizza!

While we waited for the "pie," I figured I'd try my hand at coloring! Pretty good for an 8-month-old, huh?!

And finally, yet another cabin tradition is the nightly bon-fire. This was the first time that I got to partake!

All bundled up!

It was so awesome!

I hope you all had as great of a Labor Day weekend as I did! And, if you're heading back to school now, I hope you have a wonderful school year!

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