Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Saturday, August 21st/Sunday August 22nd. 2010
This past weekend was a big weekend for me and my family! I got dedicated at my church, Eagle Brook Church, on Saturday night!

A child dedication is similar to a baptism. However, at my church, we believe that baptism is to be done by those who choose to follow Christ. The Bible instructs us that once you've accepted Jesus as your Savior, the first sign of obedience is to be baptized. Therefore, when I choose to follow Jesus, then I will be baptized. So a child dedication is my parents and family and friends (because "it takes a village) promising to raise me in a Christian home so that I may come to know and love God the Father and Jesus Christ.

Here we are before the church service just hanging out!

I got to go on stage at church with my Mommy and Daddy and be presented to the church and the whole congregation said a prayer for me. I was the perfect angel up there ... I didn't cry or squawk. I liked all the lights, noises, and people cheering for me!

After the service, we had a party at my house on Sunday afternoon! It was so fun!

Mom and Nana made this pretty floral cross for the front door so everyone knew about my special day! I especially liked to touch it!

Here are some pictures of me and the family before the party!

Here's me and Nana!

And here's me and Uncle Phil and Aunt Chelsey!
And here's me with my Grammie and Grandpa.

Thanks again to all you who helped make this weekend so special for me. Your love and support is such a blessing!

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