Monday, December 21, 2009

Bath Time!

Sunday, December 20th, 2009

Your first bath! Mom and Dad were a bit nervous to give you your first bath at home. We were worried about how slippery you'd be once we got you wet, you getting cold and/or that you might hate the bath and cry. However, like the perfect angel that you are, you did beautifully! You only cried a little bit (because you were chilly). But overall, you seemed to enjoy bath time ... let's hope that's a sign of things to come!

And Dad really loved giving you a bath. I think that's going to be "his thing!"
Mom really enjoyed combing your hair! When I was pregnant with you, I was so hoping you'd have hair. And now, my daughter, I get to comb it! How wonderful! But I better "brush up" on my pony-tail, braids, and bow skills for the day that your hair is long enough to actaully do!

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