Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 31st, 2009
Happy New Year everyone! This was sure a fun night! Before the party even started though I had to catch a quick cat nap in order to stay up for the festivities!

Check out my pretty party dress!

At midnight, Mom and Dad had a champagne toast! Cheers!

Best wishes for a fabulous 2010!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Photo Shoot!

Sunday, December 27th, 2009
Today a lady came over and took professional pictures of me! Here are my favorites!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Day!

Friday, December 25th, 2009

Oh boy … what a great day! When I woke up this morning, the snow was falling, the Christmas lights were twinkling, there were tons of presents under the tree, my family was here to celebrate, and the smell of “monkey bread” (a special kind of caramel rolls) filled the air!

After getting dressed, Mom and I spent some time together. She showed me all the gifts under the tree and explained how this whole Christmas thing works! Apparently there’s some big guy named Santa who brings presents to all the good boys and girls! I bet I have lots of presents under the tree then because I’ve been a very good girl!

One of our family’s Christmas traditions is to wake up together and enjoy a yummy breakfast! We have lots of goodies but my favorite was the monkey bread!
After breakfast, I got lots of love. Papa sure enjoys holding me and I love snuggling with him too!
Uncle Phil thought it was fun to watch me swing away in my little lamb swing! Weeee!
Then came the really fun part of the day … presents! Check out the super cute outfits I got! I especially love the bikini! I can’t wait to wear that this Summer up at the cabin! I’m going to be stylin’!!!

Another one of my favorite presents was this adorable headband from Nana. Don’t I look cute?!
Daddy got presents too! This one came from Uncle Phil … he’s such a jokester and loves to mess with Dad.
Mom was really excited to bring me outside in the snow in my pretty ivory snowsuit. We got all bundled up and enjoyed the crisp fresh air for a few family pictures in the snow!

Overall, I love Christmas! What a great holiday!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve!

Thursday, December 24th, 2009

Wow! What a neat day this is! Mommy told me that today is Christmas Eve, the night that baby Jesus was born! Happy Birthday Jesus! Just think, I was born a week before Him! hehehe

Mom and Dad explained to me that to help celebrate our Savior’s birth, we go to church, get together with family, and give one another presents. How great is that?!

A Christmas tradition is to go to church and then go over to Great Grandma and Grandpa Dewall’s house. It was a bit scary this year getting over there due to all the snow! We had a huge snow storm and Mom and Dad were very nervous to drive with me in the car. But, we made it to Great Grandpa’s and I was the best gift anyone could imagine! Here I am in my pretty headband for the big night!
My Uncle Phil really loves me! Merry Christmas Philly!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Countdown to Christmas

Wednesday, December 23rd

Hi everyone, it’s Faith here! Today was a fun day! I got to see both of my Grandmas and pose for lots of pictures!

Mommy was really in the Christmas spirit and thought it would be fun to take a few pictures of me in a Christmas basket!

My puppy, Summer, thought it was a fun idea to take these pictures as well! She was quite curious, though, as to why I was in a basket! She had to take a sneak peek and make sure I was doing alright!
It was hard work for a 6 day old to pose that long in a basket of Christmas raffia!

My Grandma Flanagan really likes Christmas stockings so she bought this special one just for me.
Can you believe I fit into a stocking?!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Bath Time!

Sunday, December 20th, 2009

Your first bath! Mom and Dad were a bit nervous to give you your first bath at home. We were worried about how slippery you'd be once we got you wet, you getting cold and/or that you might hate the bath and cry. However, like the perfect angel that you are, you did beautifully! You only cried a little bit (because you were chilly). But overall, you seemed to enjoy bath time ... let's hope that's a sign of things to come!

And Dad really loved giving you a bath. I think that's going to be "his thing!"
Mom really enjoyed combing your hair! When I was pregnant with you, I was so hoping you'd have hair. And now, my daughter, I get to comb it! How wonderful! But I better "brush up" on my pony-tail, braids, and bow skills for the day that your hair is long enough to actaully do!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Home Sweet Home!

Saturday, December 19th, 2009
Late in the afternoon, we were all discharged from the hospital and allowed to go home! How exciting to bring a new baby to our new home! Faith, you loved your first car ride in your car seat but Mom and Dad were a bit nervous. Dad drove a little slower and more cautious than he usually does!

When we arrived home, Nana and Papa were there waiting for us with lots of love and food! We spent our first evening together as a family oogling over how perfect you were. It was such a special night!