Whoaaaa ... I've got LOTS of stuff to update you on!
We'll start with Labor Day. We enjoyed our long weekend up at the cabin. One of my new favorite cabin activities is going for a "Safari ride" through the forest in search of all kinds of animals.
Here's baby Teague sitting by the campfire ... isn't he such a cute, happy boy?!
Just relaxin' ...
Family fun time ...
New discoveries ...
Here's Daddy and I dancing to one of my favorite songs ... I call it the "Hey" song!
Another super AWESOME thing for me is that I started dance classes for the year! I'm at a new studio and I'm loving it thus far. Here I am before my first class.
Mom says I'm "tutu cute!"
Mom is so proud of me and my dancing. She's hoping that I love dance as much as she did!
And here's my amazing new tap shoes! I know it's kind of hard to tell because the picture is a bit overexposed, but I'm wearing the most adorable little pair of white taps! We ordered them online and when the delivery man brought them to my house, I was ecstatic! I tapped all around and as I was "movin' and a groovin'" in my new shoes, I told mom, "My feet just can't stop dancing!" hahaha
Another fun thing we did the other day was the apple orchard. We started our autumn apple adventures with a wagon ride through an enchanted forest.
And then we got to pick apples right off the tree!
The fruits of my labor ...
This apple orchard had a really neat play area. Here I am way up high in a silo! Cool!
And here I am talking to "Moo Moo" the cow! She liked me so much that she gave me a kiss!
And what a difference a year makes ... Last year I could barely get to the top of the hay mountain with Dad's help. And this year, I did it all by myself! I'm "Queen of the World!"
And finally ... we've got a crawler in our house! Teague made the big move on Friday, Sept. 7th. He had been getting up on all fours and "revving" up for a while now but he finally figured out the crawl! The object he initially crawled to was a baseball (Dad's happy about that)!
Teague's favorite spot to crawl to and play is under his monkey jumperaoo!
What a goof! He is going to keep Mommy REALLY busy ... he's constantly getting into things ... he's very active and very curious!
Go Teague Go!