At 1:06 am on Tuesday, January 17th, 2010, I officially became a big sister!
Here's Mommy in the hospital giving her "thumbs ups"/"let's do this" pose! (This was taken in between contractions).
Way to go Mommy ... you can do it! Poor Mama ... labor and delivery is not much fun! :(
But it's all worth it ... Teague William Flanagan was welcomed with love!
That morning, I came to visit Mommy, Daddy, and baby Teague in the hospital. I felt SOOOOO special and really enjoyed coming to the hospital. In fact, I visited them 3 times!
To celebrate Teague's birthday, I brought him a cake and a balloon!
I was so excited about the cake that I had to have the 1st piece! Yummmy!
And then I got to hold my new baby brother!
"Hi Teague!"
Our new family!
Isn't he cute?!
Here I am on visit #2 peeking at Teague!
My Uncle Philly visited Teague with me too.
I think he's going to love his Nukie like I did/do!
The next several photos are pictures taken of Teague by a professional photographer while he was in the hospital. What a sweetie he is!
While I really enjoyed visiting Teague in the hospital, I have to be honest ... it's been a rough go of things at home. I tell Mom and Dad that I feel "sad, so very sad" or "sad, always sad." Mom says watching and hearing me be so sad breaks her heart ... I'm her little girl, her little best one and it's making her so sad to watch me struggle with this transition. Hopefully I'll be feeling better soon and will realize that he's here to stay!
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