Saturday, April 16, 2011

Farm Girl? ... Nope!

Tuesday, April 12th, 2011

Today I went to the MN Zoo to see the Spring baby animals! I was so excited to get there ... zoo babies!!!
When we arrived, we had to walk really far to get to the "family farm." Along the way I got to see lots of the outdoor animals, which I certainly enjoyed! Once we finally got to the farm, I was able to see goats, sheep, cows, piggies, and chickens.
Mommy thought I would love looking at the animals up close and petting them because I LOVE to watch animals at home, on the TV, and when we're out. However, I wasn't loving them as much as one might think.
Gee ... I wonder where I get my animal timidness from? Ha ha ha! Mom didn't really want to touch or feed the goats. But after a few minutes, she did it for me!
When we were in the baby cow barn, I couldn't have cared less about the cows. Rather, I just wanted to stomp around in the gravel/dirt!
Then we went to the piggy barn. I enjoyed playing on the plastic piggies more than actually petting the real things!
Probably my favorite part about the zoo today was the playground! I sure had fun playing!
So ... am I a farm girl, you ask ... Absolutely NOT! I guess I take after Mommy. I'm more of a "city slicker!"

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