Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hop Hop Hop!

Sunday, April 24th, 2011

Happy Easter!
What a fun day I had celebrating Easter. Here I am with Daddy and Mommy doing my Easter egg hunt!
Easter Bunny!
A few days before the holiday, I learned a new word ... "Hop Hop." I certainly know that the Easter bunny goes "hop, hop, hop" and I made sure everyone knew it that day too! I said lots of "hop, hop, hops!"
More Egg Hunting!
What a great day to celebrate that our Lord has risen!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Playdate and Picasso!

Friday, April 22nd, 2011

Last weekend I had a really fun playdate with my best friend, Kendall.
Here we are giving each other a kiss (we must be pretending that we're European and kissing on either cheek)!
We were really great sharers too!
Hey look Mom, I'm pretending to be a woof-woof (puppy)!
Kendall has an awesome play house! We had so much fun in there!
"Spot of tea, please!"
Here we are saying good-bye. But don't worry ... I get to see Kendall again this upcoming weekend because it's her 1st birthday party! I'm so excited! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GIRLFRIEND! Here's to many more years of memories ahead of us as BFF's!
And on another note ... Mom and Nana took me to a place were you get to paint things like mugs, plates, etc. I LOVED it! Just call me a little Picasso!
Then we went out for a smoothie and I LOVED that too!
Mmmmmmmmmm ...
And because I loved painting so much, you better believe that my Mommy went out that very day and bought me some finger paints! Fun, fun, fun!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Farm Girl? ... Nope!

Tuesday, April 12th, 2011

Today I went to the MN Zoo to see the Spring baby animals! I was so excited to get there ... zoo babies!!!
When we arrived, we had to walk really far to get to the "family farm." Along the way I got to see lots of the outdoor animals, which I certainly enjoyed! Once we finally got to the farm, I was able to see goats, sheep, cows, piggies, and chickens.
Mommy thought I would love looking at the animals up close and petting them because I LOVE to watch animals at home, on the TV, and when we're out. However, I wasn't loving them as much as one might think.
Gee ... I wonder where I get my animal timidness from? Ha ha ha! Mom didn't really want to touch or feed the goats. But after a few minutes, she did it for me!
When we were in the baby cow barn, I couldn't have cared less about the cows. Rather, I just wanted to stomp around in the gravel/dirt!
Then we went to the piggy barn. I enjoyed playing on the plastic piggies more than actually petting the real things!
Probably my favorite part about the zoo today was the playground! I sure had fun playing!
So ... am I a farm girl, you ask ... Absolutely NOT! I guess I take after Mommy. I'm more of a "city slicker!"

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Spring Break!

Last week I got to go to Florida for Spring Break ... whoop, whoop!

I was a great girl on the airplane ride and when we landed, I saw some of my favorite Disney characters!
I want to be a princess someday too!
One of my favorite things to do in Florida is swim in the pool!
Just call me the "Coppertone Baby!"
Ahhhh ... Feelin' free!
I am talking up a storm now and am learning new words everyday. One of my favorite new words that I learned while on vacation is "kaka." That means bird because the say "caw caw." EVERY TIME I see a bird, I point and say "kaka." It's pretty funny! Here I am admiring the "kakas" flying overhead!
Swimming, swimming ... just keep swimming!
Motor boat, motor boat go so fast. Motor boat, motor boat turn on the gas!
My Daddy, Papa, and Uncle Phil love to play golf. They took me to the driving range one morning before their round. I loved riding in the cart ... it was so fun!
Ahhhh ... the beach!
I had mixed feelings about the beach. As much as I love swimming in the pool, I did NOT like the ocean. I enjoyed looking at it but I didn't like putting my feet in it. When Mom or Dad would try to put my feet in the water, I'd curl my legs up and demand to be held.

And as far as the sand goes, it took me a little while to get used to it. At first I didn't like the feel between my toes but after a while I thought it was alright. In fact, it was kind of fun to play in!
"Kaka, kaka!"
Building sandcastles with Uncle Philly! He bought me tons of beach toys as an early Easter present!
The Beach Club is great because it has the ocean, a big pool, and a restaurant!
Yummy! A cool treat on a hot day!
Now this is the life! A cabana on the beach!
I just love going to Florida for many reasons. One of them being the fact that we don't have to stay in a hotel and therefore I can have the run of the house! I did lots of playing in and around the home too.
How cute are my pig-tails?!
On our last night in the Sunshine State, Mom and Dad took me out to dinner to a restaurant on the beach and then out for ice cream! It was so fun!
Mmmmmm...Ice Cream...One of me and Mommy's favorite treats!
On the way back to "home sweet home!"
Hope you are all enjoying your Spring!