Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Caught "Graham" Handed!

Friday, February 18th, 2011

I love to snoop around the house and check out all the cupboards and drawers. Today though, I really got into something good! Normally when I snoop through the pantry I just pull stuff off the shelves. But today I decided not only to pull things down but also to see what was inside all of those boxes. And I quickly realized the yummy goodness that was in that blue and yellow box!

First, I pulled down the graham cracker box and started to open it.
Then I peered inside and reached my little paw in there.
Once I grabbed that graham goodness, I ran across the room and tried to hide from Mom. That's my latest thing ... whenever I get a little treat or morsel while not sitting in my high chair, I run away and try to eat it "secretly."

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