Sunday, February 27, 2011

Leap Year!

Leap Year is such a funny thing, isn't it? Being born on Leap Year is pretty special ... it's an honor bestowed upon so few people and therefore it's a cause for celebration! And let me tell you, I celebrate my Nana today because she was born on Leap Year!
Happy Birthday Nana ... I love you!
How do I even begin to describe my love and adoration for my Nana? She is the nicest most giving person I know! She showers me with love and takes such great care of me (and my Mommy too)! Nana is the absolute BEST! I love her more than anything and know that she loves me that way too!
So, why do I love my Nana so much, you ask? Well ...

...She gives great hugs and kisses.

...And she always comforts me. I love being in Nana's arms.

...She always makes me laugh! She's so silly and really plays with me and I love it!

... And she takes me to special places!

...And like all good Grandmas, she gives me treats!

...She takes such good care of me!

...She taught my Mommy everything she knows about being a Mom!

...Overall, she adores me and unconditionally loves me. The feeling is mutual Nana!
Happy Birthday Nana ... You are such a blessing in my life!

Another special person celebrating a birthday (yesterday) is my Aunt Meaghan! She likes to play with me and I think she's really funny!
Meg is quite the athlete and I'm so proud of all of her accomplishments! In fact, this past weekend she was in Dallas racing a triathalon. Go Meg go!
Love you Meaghan! Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Caught "Graham" Handed!

Friday, February 18th, 2011

I love to snoop around the house and check out all the cupboards and drawers. Today though, I really got into something good! Normally when I snoop through the pantry I just pull stuff off the shelves. But today I decided not only to pull things down but also to see what was inside all of those boxes. And I quickly realized the yummy goodness that was in that blue and yellow box!

First, I pulled down the graham cracker box and started to open it.
Then I peered inside and reached my little paw in there.
Once I grabbed that graham goodness, I ran across the room and tried to hide from Mom. That's my latest thing ... whenever I get a little treat or morsel while not sitting in my high chair, I run away and try to eat it "secretly."

Monday, February 14, 2011

Will You Be My Valentine?

Happy Valentine's Day! Will you be MY Valentine?
As you can see, Mommy dressed me up in my red and pink for the big "day of love!"
I started off the day by spreading the love to my puppy, Summer! I adore her! She is always willing to play with me and is so patient with me when I accidently pull her fur or crawl all over her.
After lounging with Summer, I read one of my all-time favorite books, "On the Night You Were Born." Mommy gave me that book and it's really special to us.
Then I played with all of my favorite toys!
I sure have lots of loves in my life ... I love my family and friends, I love my Nukkies, I love my soft blankies, and I love treats. But the new object of my affection is this pink singing elephant that my Grammie Flanagan gave me at Christmas. I didn't really understand how awesome this toy was when I first received it but now I love it!
I think the singing pink elephant is so funny! I love how his ears and trunk move all around when he sings to me ("Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch...")! I also LOVE that I can turn him on and off ... that's my favorite part ... pressing that on/off button makes me feel so special!
I love my elephant so much that I even let him drive my favorite car ... now that says a lot!
After playing, Mommy and I enjoyed a pink Valentine's cookie! Yummy! I wanted "more, more more, please!"
Hope your V-Day was filled with lots of love!