Friday, January 7th, 2011
Huge day in this household ... I'm officially walking!!! I have been walking with assistance for some time now. And I've been taking steps in between people and things for the last couple of weeks. However, I could never go more than 8 steps and I couldn't stand up straight from the floor ... I always had to use something, like a piece of furniture or Mommy's leg, to help pull myself up, steady myself, and then take a few steps. But tonight, I decided to do it all by myself!
It all happened right around bedtime. After Mom and Dad got me ready for bed and in my jammies, we were playing in my room. All of a sudden I decided to stand up by myself and start walking. It was so neat that I just kept going and going and going! Mom and Dad are so proud of me! Mommy even started crying ... she says I'm growing up too fast.
Check out my walking skills on this video!
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