Sunday, January 30, 2011

My Papa!

January 30th, 2011 -- Happy Birthday Papa!
My Papa ... from the moment I was born, he has been fully in LOVE with me (and I with him)! In fact, before I was even born he gave me a book entitled "I Already Know I Love You!" ... and he was right! He was so excited to meet me and hold me and play with me and share me with the world.
One of the things my Papa loves to do for both me and Mommy is buy us special shoes! He knows how much a girl loves shoes! Before I was born, Papa bought me a pair of hot pink shoes that squeak when I walk ... they're called Wee Squeaks ... and I love them! And of course, he got my Mommy the most special pair of shoes as a gift for her after I was born.
Another thing my Papa does really well is hold me! We call him "the baby hog" in our family because whenever I'm around, he races (and I mean races) to see me, hold me, and play with me. He kind of hogs me and I love it!
My Papa also LOVES to take me to Florida for family vacation. We always have such a fun time in the Sunshine State!
My Papa also really enjoys showing me new things and helping me learn about the world around me. We like to go on walks to find new things wherever we are!
Papa loves having me up at the cabin too!
See these cute pink, furry shoes ... Papa got these for me because he knows that every girl needs a pair of pink Uggs! I told you that he loves to buy us gals shoes!
Whenever I can, I like to help Papa out! He does so much for our family so to try to "give back!" hahaha
Yet another learning moment with Papa!
Another thing that Papa really loves to do is take me for walks! This is kind of "our" thing. He likes to show me off to everyone he sees.
My Papa is a VERY GOOD players! He loves to play with me! We always have so much fun!
I love you Papa! Happy Birthday!

Friday, January 21, 2011


This week was so fun! I had 2 playdates!

On Wednesday, my friends, the triplets (Maryn, Brynn, and Leah) came over to see me.

First, Maryn played ball with me.
Then I shared one of MY favorite toys with the girls, the remote! Upon which Leah told me, "Oh ... We've got one of those at home."
Then we all had a snack. The triplets were excited to teach me how to eat a Popsicle. It sure was yummy.
Then we played downstairs for a long time ... Maryn really liked pushing me in the swing.
Leah, the ultimate "girly girl," brought over this pretty tutu to dance in. She was really excited to teach me some new dance moves. And in order to ensure my mastery of the new moves, she even let me wear the tutu ... isn't it pretty?!
While Brynn was busy playing with a beach ball and Leah was busy playing "princess," Maryn continued to dance with me.
Overall it was a great day! I really enjoyed watching those 3 girls go, go, go!
And my next playdate came today, Friday. My best friend Kendall came over!

Kendall has 2 teeth just like me. I thought it was hilarious to feel her little teeth.
Then we played rock band ... I think we might be the next big pop stars!
And then I showed Kendall my ball pit ... we had lots of fun in there!
Thanks for all the fun ladies! Love you!

Monday, January 17, 2011


Monday, January 17th, 2011

Today was SO FUN! I got to go to an indoor park (Edinborough Park in Edina)!
At the park they had an awesome gym with lots of neat toys for kids to play with! We started off with these scooters. Mommy pushed me on the scooter and I pushed it around all by myself too. It went so fast!
This big girl came up to my Mommy and tried to take our scooter away! Thanks Mom for "saving the day!" hahaha
After playing with the mini scooter I got to test out this chair scooter. It was great because I could push it and walk, which I did A LOT of!
The scooter gym was amazing! But my whole goal for the day was to make new friends! I went up to EVERY kid in the gym and waved "hello" in hopes that they'd want to be my buddy. I even followed around several kids trying to get their attention. I really liked this little girl because she had pig-tails, just like me!
After playing in the big gym, Mom took me into an inflatable "bounce house." It was pretty cool ... I did some jump, jump, jumping!
After the park, I went out to lunch and got to see my friend, Addison. Her Mommy (Lindsey) and my Mommy are friends. We ate lunch together and laughed a lot!
And then it was time to go home ... I was exhausted from the day's activities! I love the park!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My Daddy!

Tuesday, January 11th, 2011
Yesterday was my Daddy's 30th birthday! I love my Daddy so much and wanted to give him a huge "shout out!" He's so funny and I especially like how he plays with me! Dad, you're the best ... all my love!
Thanks for being such a great Dada!