Saturday, December 18, 2010

Birthday Girl!

December 18th, 2010
Happy Birthday Angel!

My darling daughter Faith ... you are 1 year old today! I am overcome with emotions, both happy and sad. For I can not believe how quickly this year has gone! You are the blessing of a lifetime and I am so thankful that God chose me to be your Mom. You are the light in my days and the love of my life! You, sweetheart, have brought me more joy, happiness, love, and fulfillment than I could ever have thought possible. Thank you for making all of my dreams come true, my darling angel.
I also want to say a huge thank you to all of our family and friends who helped make today extra special. Your outpouring of love was both humbling and astounding.

And to all of you who are anxiously awaiting (lol) photos from the big day, Faith will post those when she gets a spare second, hopefully tomorrow.

Finally, below is the poem that I wrote (at 3 am) a few weeks ago for you, Faith Adele, that I read at your birthday party. I love you, Mom!
My darling daughter ...

On December 18th a year ago you were born,
Very early in the morn.

You were beautiful right from the start;
With big blue eyes and lips shaped like a heart.
You had a little bit of fuzzy hair,
And skin that was oh so fair.
You had long, gorgeous eyelashes that fluttered on your cheeks.
And cute tiny toes on those wiggly little feet.

When you were placed in my arms for the very first time,
I couldn't believe that you were mine.
The daughter I had been waiting for,
That little girl to love and adore.

Your tiny hand wrapped around my finger,
Oh how I wish those moments would linger.
A year has gone so quickly and I have learned so much.
I've felt a love so strongly in Faith's gentle touch.

I feel so honored and blessed that God chose you for me,
My sweet, sweet little baby.

I have enjoyed every moment of loving you.
But now one year later, I feel kind of blue.
For time flies when you're having fun.
And I can't believe your infancy is done.

Now onto the toddler years,
And a new set of parental fears.
But today is all about you, my dear.
So let's raise a glass and say, "Cheers!"

All My Love,

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