December 18th, 2010
It's my birthday ... gonna party like it's my birthday!
For my 1st birthday, I told Mom that I wanted an angel theme (because I'm her little angel) and a dessert buffet. So, before the big party, we had to make all the treats. Here I am helping Mom in the kitchen.
The more treats we made, the more impressed I was ... it all looked so yummy! Ohhhh ... Ahhh!
But, at one point, Mom started making something with coffee in it and told me that it was only for the adults. I was not too happy that I couldn't eat that dessert.
But, I got over it and began to dream about the big day!
And then finally December 18th arrived! It was my special day! Mom dressed me up in my party dress and made my highchair look so fun and festive!
And here I am showing off my #1 ... we have been working on that for the past month!
Nana taught me how to blow my noise-maker! Hooray for Faith's birthday! And oh boy ... did I mention the treats?! Mmm, Mmm, Mmm
And how about that cute cake?
Thanks Great-Grandpa for buying me my angel cake!
Before I was able to "dig in" to my birthday cake, I enjoyed some of the delicious treats me and Mommy made.
My favorites were the meringues, the ice cream, and the punch.
After I scarfed down my desserts, something interesting happened. Mom lit a candle on top of my cake and everyone started singing to me. It was great ... I LOVED it! I really listened to the "Happy Birthday" song and knew everyone was singing for me. How special!
But after the song was over, I was ready to dive into that cake! C'mon already!

But the candle was still lit.
Finally ...
I was very methodical about the cake-eating. I started by just pulling the polka dots off the cake and eating those ... so dainty.
But then I really got into it! It was so good!
Don't bother me while I'm eating cake! hahaha
I guess you could say I am my mother's daughter ... I love treats too, Mommy!

There were so many people who helped me celebrate my special day! Thanks to all of my family and friends who were able to make it to the party. (I got pictures with some of you but not everyone ... it was a busy day for me, being the guest of honor and all)

And I was especially excited when my boyfriend, Brady, showed up. Look at how handsome he is! Don't we make quite the couple?!
And my best friend, Kendall, came too! It was so great ... we played together and she even helped me open some of my presents! What a great friend!

After celebrating with all my family and friends and eating all the treats, I went downstairs to play in my new playhouse ... Thanks Nana and Papa! I love it!

THANK YOU everyone for making my day so fabulous! I love you all and appreciate your love and support for me and my family!