Saturday, September 25, 2010


Saturday, September 25th, 2010
As many of you know, I'm a girl who likes clothes and accessories. One of my favorite accessories is bows and hats. Now that the weather is a little cooler, I'm wearing a lot more hats. Check out my cute headwear!

I especially like when other people wear hats! My favorites are baseball hats ... I always want to grab them and take them off their owner. Here's me trying out Papa's hat.

And yesterday my Mommy bought me a new hat. She's always wanted me to wear one of those little knit hats with all the cute flower clips. However, they never fit my head ... they're always too small. So, we finally found one that fits! So we got this cute hat with a fun, feathery clip. Dad says I look like a 1920's Flapper ... you decide!

And just because we're on the topic of fashion (again), I had to share a couple cute pics of my new tights! They're pink and white polka-dot and they have ballerina slippers built in. They're adorable! Oh, and of course I have furry pink booties on too!
Here's me walking the runway in my pretty tights!
Hope you had a great weekend!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

9 Month Old Little Pumpkin!

Saturday, September 18th, 2010
Yep ... you guessed it, I'm 9 months old today! And what fun we had to celebrate the big day!

It started with my monthly cupcake pictures.

When Dad handed me the cupcake I was very inquisitive.
Each month that passes, I want that cupcake more and more!

And this month, I really took a good lick of the frosting!

And boy was it yummy!
I even got some of the colored sprinkles all over my face!

And what made the day extra special was that after the big 9 month photo shoot, Mom and Dad took me to a fun place called Apple Jacks! It's an apple orchard with lots of cool stuff to do!

When we first arrived, I saw lots of orange pumpkins, like my cute hat (which by the way, I got lots of compliments on because I matched the Fall motif)!!!

I thought those pumpkins were so neat. I couldn't figure out what they were at first so I kept patting them and patting them!

Then we went into the apple barn and got some yummy treats! I even got to try an apple cider icee! It was really good!

After filling up on apple goodies, we headed to the fields!
Look at how tall the corn stalks are!

I just couldn't get enough of the corn fields so I made Dad go in with me too!

After checking out the corn, we headed to the pumpkin patch.
It was amazing … there were these HUGE pumpkins.

They were way bigger than I was!

We took a hay-ride back to the apple barn and then I got my very own wagon ride!

Just call me the VIP!

To top off the afternoon, Mom and Dad bought me some silly looking gourds! I sure had fun playing with them once I got back home!

And of course, everything goes in my mouth! I had to try a little taste of gourd! haha
Happy Fall from this little pumpkin!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fashion Week!

Thursday, September 16th, 2010
Just call me a fashionista!
This past week was New York Fashion Week. And while I may not be living in New York, it's certainly been Fashion Week at my house too! Now that it's a change of season, Mom has also changed my wardrobe to my Fall clothes. And boy oh boy has she been excited to see me in my new clothes!
Don't I look cute in hounds-tooth?
And I sure love a good accessory ... this is one of my favorite necklaces!
And one of my new favorite outfits is my personalized "Faith" dress. I saw this on the runway and had to have my own version of it! hahaha

And again, the perfect accessory can really "make or break" an outfit.
What do you think of this headband?
And good thing my pink cell phone matches my pink dress!
As a side note, I have really been LOVING my doggie, Summer, lately. Here are some pictures of me and my new best friend in my pretty Faith dress.

Here's me in a more casual look!
This is me practicing my runway crawl! Maybe they'll book me for next year's fashion shows.
I think I can really rock a jean, don't you?!

As I've mentioned, not only do I love clothes like my Mommy but I also love my accessories. The right head-gear can really make an outfit extra special. I love my bows, headbands, and hats. Take a peek!

In addition to the perfect headgear, a designer purse really tops off the outfit!

And finally, a cute coat to put over great clothes is a necessity. I love my pretty new coat but was a bit unsure about it at first because I felt like I couldn't move. But, sometimes you have to suffer for fashion! hahaha