Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Saturday, August 21st/Sunday August 22nd. 2010
This past weekend was a big weekend for me and my family! I got dedicated at my church, Eagle Brook Church, on Saturday night!
A child dedication is similar to a baptism. However, at my church, we believe that baptism is to be done by those who choose to follow Christ. The Bible instructs us that once you've accepted Jesus as your Savior, the first sign of obedience is to be baptized. Therefore, when I choose to follow Jesus, then I will be baptized. So a child dedication is my parents and family and friends (because "it takes a village) promising to raise me in a Christian home so that I may come to know and love God the Father and Jesus Christ.
Here we are before the church service just hanging out!
I got to go on stage at church with my Mommy and Daddy and be presented to the church and the whole congregation said a prayer for me. I was the perfect angel up there ... I didn't cry or squawk. I liked all the lights, noises, and people cheering for me!
After the service, we had a party at my house on Sunday afternoon! It was so fun!
Mom and Nana made this pretty floral cross for the front door so everyone knew about my special day! I especially liked to touch it!
Here are some pictures of me and the family before the party!
Here's me and Nana!
And here's me and Uncle Phil and Aunt Chelsey!
And here's me with my Grammie and Grandpa.
Thanks again to all you who helped make this weekend so special for me. Your love and support is such a blessing!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
8 Months!
Wednesday, August 18th, 2010
Well ... today is my 8 month "birthday!" And you know what that means ... cupcake picture!
Now that I'm a lot older, I am a very busy girl! Therefore, I didn't really want to pose with a silly cupcake, I wanted to eat it! Yummy!
I tried to sneak a bite but only got a little lick.
That frosting sure tasted yummy! I am certainly my mother's daughter because I like sweets! In fact, my favorite foods are fruits. I eat my veggies but I much prefer the fruits. Lately I'm loving apple-cherry and pear-pineapple mixed with my rice cereal!
Other cool things that I'm doing in my 8th month include ...
*I am a really good "traveler." I am Mom's little side-kick and go everywhere with her. I especially like going shopping with her when I get to sit like a big girl in my stroller.
*I'm talking up a storm when I'm at home with people I know really well. However, I sometimes get kind of shy and quiet when I'm not at home or when I don't know people really well. My main words are "Mama," "Mom," "Dadda," and "Babba" (bottle). I make lots of other sounds and I like to blow bubbles!
*My favorite new toy is my car! I love being able to scoot all around!
*I am pretty close to crawling! I want to do it so badly but just can't seem to figure out how to stay up on my knees. Every time I'm sitting, I try to lean forward and I get one little scoot but then I fall on my tummy. Ugh -- it is frustrating! But I'll get it one of these days. Here's a picture of me trying to crawl.
*And like I mentioned earlier, I am quite the "busy body!" I get into everything and like to "help" in any way I can. The other day, Papa came over and helped Mom paint the bathroom. He's the world's best painter but I thought I'd give him a hand with the painting!
*Because I'm so busy, I am now finally taking regular naps! Horray! Mom is so proud of me! As many of you know, I have not been the best sleeper (napping or through the night). But, I'm starting to do a little better. I take 2 naps a day and have increased my nap time from 30 minutes to 1-2 hours at a time. And, I'm finally loving to sleep in my crib for naps! As far as the nights go, I make it all the way through the night several times a week. However, some mornings I like to get up around 3 or 4 am and I'm ready to play! I am "wide-eyed and bushy-tailed" and just can't understand why Mom and Dad don't want to play at that hour. But for the most part, my sleeping habits have GREATLY improved!
Lots of love from this 8 month old!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Classy Lassy!
Saturday, August 14th, 2010
I think the women in my life are all pretty classy ladies ... they're "Classy Lassies!" haha Therefore, I aspire to be that too! Here I am all dressed up for a dinner date with Mom and Dad. I think I look pretty classy, don't you?
Mom and Nana took me to the Galleria the other day and we stopped in at the Louis Vuitton store! Wow ... those purses are beautiful! If I had one of those, I would for sure be a "Classy Lassy!" Maybe someday?!
And speaking of "Classy Lassies," there's a dog named Lassy. I love dogs! Here I am petting my Nana and Papa's dog, Madi. She's so nice and gentle with me ... I love her!
Being such a little lady, I LOVE jewelry. As you can see, I really liked Madi's jewelry (her tags on her collar).
Enjoy your weekend ... and stay classy!
Hot Wheels!
Monday, August 9th, 2010
Beep Beep ... Check out my new ride!
Beep Beep ... Check out my new ride!
Mom and Dad bought me my first car and I love it! I can scoot all around now. And, it's especially awesome to be able to stand.
Here I am putting her in reverse!
I especially love driving when I've got my girl, Jezzabelle (the giraffe), sitting shot gun with me! And don't worry, Mom made me promise not to talk or text while driving! I'm sitting in park here so it was safe to use my cell phone!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Downtown Girls
Wednesday, August 4th, 2010
Well ... yesterday I sure had a fun experience! I got to go downtown Minneapolis!
But before the big "girls day out," Mom dressed me up in this adorable outfit (but then I got it all messy and had to change). Thought I'd share a few pictures though ...
Mom set me in the grass and shockingly, I didn't mind! It felt a little prickly but I thought it was neat!
I tried to pick as much of that green stuff as I could.
OK ... onto my big day in the big city! Like I said, I went downtown Minneapolis with Mom to meet my Grandma Flanagan for lunch. Grammie works downtown in a big building. We parked in the Macy's parking lot and conveniently had to walk through Macy's to get to Grandma's office (wink, wink)! While at Macy's, Mom bought me 4 adorable Fall outfits! I can't wait to wear them! Then we got to Grandma's office.
Grammie had a lot of work to do, so I thought I'd try to help her out. I got a few e-mails sent!
After I finished my work, we headed to lunch! Here are the "ladies who lunch!"
Here I am in my special high chair waiting for our food.
I was a good girl while we waited for our food. But after a while, I got so hungry that I had to resort to eating my hands!
Going shopping downtown and being out to lunch in the big city sure was fun! But, after all that excitement, I was really tuckered out!
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