Monday, July 19, 2010

7 Months!

Sunday, July 18th, 2010
"Time flies when you're having fun!" Can't believe it's my 7 month birthday!

I'm doing lots of cool stuff now. I can sit all by myself, completely unassisted!

I'm also eating rice cereal with many different kinds of fruits and veggies mixed in. I also drink juice from a tommy tippee cup. I am rolling everywhere and starting to scoot a little bit. Everything I come in contact with goes in my mouth! And, my sounds are becoming a bit more purposeful and not just coos and grunts. Mom's hoping to hear a "Mama" someday soon! I'm starting to sleep through the night, hooray! However, it's not consistent quite yet. And I'm refusing to nap in my crib during the day. I think it's fun to stay up but Mom seems to think I need a nap or two! Oh, and I love to be outside! My favorite outside activities include "swimming" in my duckie, swinging in my swing, going for walks in the baby bjorn, watching Summer roll around, and touching the flowers.

Boy oh boy, being 7 months old is so much fun!

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