Friday, July 30, 2010

Triple the Fun!

Friday, July 30th, 2010
Yesterday I got to go to Sugar Lake for the afternoon to play with some of my friends. They aren't just ordinary girlfriends though, they are triplets! Can you believe that ... there's 3 of them ... Maryn, Brynn, and Leah! It's awesome!

So here's how it works ... my Nana and the triplets' Grandma have been best friends their entire lives. And my Mommy and the triplets' mommy, Alison, have been friends their whole lives as well. So it's only natural the I should be friends with these 3 lovely ladies! Here's the 2 mommies!

It was such a fun day! I really enjoyed watching the 3 girls play and I think they liked me too! In fact, they even fought over who got to hold me!

Even though Maryn, Brynn, and Leah are triplets, they all have their own personalities. For example, Brynn is very kind-hearted and was very gentle and nurturing with me.

Leah is a little "spit fire" and liked to play with me.

Maryn is really helpful and even thought about sharing her "nonnie" (her Nuk) with me.

Some of the fun things I did at Sugar Lake was swing in the hammock with Nana.

We also played princess cowgirls.

And, I showed the girls how to play on my Nana's I-Pad. I'm so smart!

Monday, July 26, 2010

First Words!

Saturday, July 24th, 2010

This weekend my Mommy, Daddy, and I went to the cabin with our friends Kristin, Brandon, and baby Kendall! We had such a good time! But the highlight of the weekend was that I said my first word(s)! Yep, that's right, I'm talking now! Yay!!!! Mom and Dad were so excited. This was much anticipated and they had been wondering what I'd say first. My first word, which I said on Saturday, was "Mama!" Obviously Mom was really happy! She said it "made her heart smile" to hear me say those words! I was chatty all day on Saturday and kept repeating "Mama" and "Mom" all day.

I didn't want to leave Daddy out though so on Sunday morning when he was changing my diaper, I said "Dada!" Mom and Dad couldn't believe that we went up to the cabin and I wasn't talking and we returned home with me saying 2 words ... Mama and Dada! They are so proud! And I think it's really fun to chat! My voice is so cute!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Photo Shoot!

Just call me a model! hahaha

Mom and Dad wanted to get some good 6 month pictures taken of me. My friend, Brandon (Kendall's Daddy), has a really fancy camera and he took some great shots!

I know, I know ... you're thinking, "Well she's 7 months now, not 6 months." These pictures were taken when I was 6 1/2 months old but Mom just had time to go through them and decide on the favorites.

Here are some of my favorites ... Check them out (warning, there's a lot)!!!

Thanks Brandon!

7 Months!

Sunday, July 18th, 2010
"Time flies when you're having fun!" Can't believe it's my 7 month birthday!

I'm doing lots of cool stuff now. I can sit all by myself, completely unassisted!

I'm also eating rice cereal with many different kinds of fruits and veggies mixed in. I also drink juice from a tommy tippee cup. I am rolling everywhere and starting to scoot a little bit. Everything I come in contact with goes in my mouth! And, my sounds are becoming a bit more purposeful and not just coos and grunts. Mom's hoping to hear a "Mama" someday soon! I'm starting to sleep through the night, hooray! However, it's not consistent quite yet. And I'm refusing to nap in my crib during the day. I think it's fun to stay up but Mom seems to think I need a nap or two! Oh, and I love to be outside! My favorite outside activities include "swimming" in my duckie, swinging in my swing, going for walks in the baby bjorn, watching Summer roll around, and touching the flowers.

Boy oh boy, being 7 months old is so much fun!