Saturday, June 12, 2010

Bieber Fever?!

Saturday, June 12th, 2010

Call the doctor because my Daddy and I are burning up!!! We've got "Bieber Fever!" hahaha

So here's the deal ... my Uncle Philly is the funniest guy I know!

He and my Dad are always joking around with each other and playing practical jokes on one another. It's a constant with these 2 clowns! So when we were at the cabin for Memorial Day weekend, Daddy and Phil were going back and forth with each other about having "Bieber Fever" (as in Justin Bieber). They harassed each other all weekend about it and played many jokes on one another all in regards to Bieber. Wouldn't you know, today in the mail came a special surprise for me and Daddy ... these super ridiculous, yet cool T-Shirts! Thanks Uncle Phil for making us laugh so hard we cried (literally)!!! But I'd watch out, you just "added fuel to the fire!" I'm sure my Dad will have something in the works for you now! hahaha

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