Memorial Day
Hey guys, Faith here! It was quite the weekend! My family and I headed up to the cabin on Pelican Lake to celebrate the Memorial Day weekend! What fun we had!
The weekend started out great because when I got to the cabin, I found a surprise waiting for me in my crib! Papa had bought me an adorable pair of furry, fuzzy booties! They sure are cute and comfy … I can’t wait to wear them in the winter! Check ‘em out!
Then I played outside with Mom and Dad for a little while and they tried to explain to me that Memorial Day is all about celebrating and honoring those soldiers who have given their life serving our country. Thank you service men and women!
While I got to be outside, the dogs had to stay inside. They were sure eyeing the lake wanting to go for a swim! What funny pups! Don’t worry though, they got lots of swimming in over the weekend!
Probably the biggest development of the weekend though was that I started eating solids! Yay! I got my first taste of rice cereal mixed with a little applesauce.
All the grown-ups said I did “great!” I wasn’t too sure what to think of it but it was kind of fun to try something new!

One of my favorite things about the cabin is our morning routine. After I woke up, we got to go into town for a coffee and a morning walk on the Paul Bunyan Trail. It was a fabulous way to start the day!
And it wouldn’t be cabin living without some sunbathing! I’m a beach baby!
Just lounging around!
Free Spirit!
I also got to take my first boat ride!

It was fun to be on the boat but I didn’t like it after Mom made me put on my life jacket … that thing was too constrictive. I guess I’ll just have to get used to it!

Another awesome thing about cabin life is the shopping! While the boys went golfing, Mom, Nana, and I went shopping! One of the stores had pretty flowers hanging outside … I liked to smell them!

I hope your Memorial Day was as great as mine!