Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tommy Tippee!

Monday, June 28th, 2010
So I'm officially a big girl now!

Not only am I sitting up by myself, can you believe it?! But, I'm also learning how to drink juice out of a real cup ... a Tommy Tippee cup!

My Mom has been trying to get me to drink juice for the past week now. But she kept putting it in a bottle and I didn't know how to drink juice from a bottle. Silly Mommy, bottles are only for milk! So, Mom finally "got with the program" and gave me some apple juice in a cup. I took to it right away!

Even though I still dribble all over myself, I like drinking out of a "big girl" cup!

And now that I'm drinking juice from a cup, I got to have a coffee date with my Nana! She drank out of a "big girl" cup too!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Birthdays (x2) and Anniversaries (x2)

Saturday, June 19th, 2010
Wowsers! It’s been an important few days for my family!

On Thursday, June 17th it was my Great-Grandma Adele Dewall’s birthday. She would have been 90 years old.

So, Mommy, Nana, Great-Grandpa, Auntie Anita, and I went to the cemetery to visit Great-Grandma Adele! We put flowers by her grave and sang her “Happy Birthday!” I wish she was here to celebrate and have cake with us.

Also, on June 17th it was my Nana and Papa’s 32nd wedding anniversary! Congrats!

And then on Friday, June 18th, it was my parents’ 5 year wedding anniversary!

But most importantly on the 18th, it was my 6th month “birthday!” What a day! Fun, fun, fun!!!

I can’t believe I’m already 6 months old … half a year! “Time flies when you’re having fun!” Here’s my monthly cupcake pictures!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Bieber Fever?!

Saturday, June 12th, 2010

Call the doctor because my Daddy and I are burning up!!! We've got "Bieber Fever!" hahaha

So here's the deal ... my Uncle Philly is the funniest guy I know!

He and my Dad are always joking around with each other and playing practical jokes on one another. It's a constant with these 2 clowns! So when we were at the cabin for Memorial Day weekend, Daddy and Phil were going back and forth with each other about having "Bieber Fever" (as in Justin Bieber). They harassed each other all weekend about it and played many jokes on one another all in regards to Bieber. Wouldn't you know, today in the mail came a special surprise for me and Daddy ... these super ridiculous, yet cool T-Shirts! Thanks Uncle Phil for making us laugh so hard we cried (literally)!!! But I'd watch out, you just "added fuel to the fire!" I'm sure my Dad will have something in the works for you now! hahaha

Friday, June 11, 2010

Girls' Day!!!

Friday, June 11th, 2010

Girlfriends are the best friends! My Mommy and I had a wonderful girls' day (on Tuesday) with our friends Kristin and Kendall! We started off by doing some shopping at one of my favorite stores in Maple Grove, Edelweiss Baby! Mommy bought me a dress for my dedication at church and a pretty pink flower to go on one of my headbands. Kendall's Mommy bought her a cute outfit and a flower too! We are lucky girls! Here we are with our purchases ... we "shopped 'til we dropped!"

Then after shopping, we went to Caribou for some coffee! The 4 of us girls had wonderful conversation while sipping some java!

Then, last night my Mommy and her girlfriends got together to see the much anticipated movie, "Sex and the City 2." Not really sure what that show is all about but my Mom and her friends sure love it! They went out to dinner and then saw the show! All four ladies were representing something from SATC ... Mommy had on her designer shoes, Kristin had her designer handbag, Nicole had on a fun, feather "hat," and Lindsey had on a fashionable coat!

While the ladies were having a grown up girls' night, their daughters all stayed home and had a "Daddy-daughter date night!" Me and my Daddy had dinner together and we went for a walk. Then we picked Mommy up from the movie and I slept the whole way home!

I love girls' days/nights!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Fun Stuff!

Monday, June 7th, 2010
Hey Y’All! I thought I’d update everybody on some fun and new things going on in my world!

First, one of my favorite things to do is put my feet into my mouth! My Mommy says I’m really flexible, which will be a good thing for when I start dancing! So this is how it works … check out the progression below:

Another one of my favorite things to do is take a bath! I love splish-splashing in the tub! Normally I bathe in my own little bathtub at home, but this past weekend I had a new bath time experience. I got to take a bath in my Nana and Papa’s sink! It was really fun!

Another big, new thing for me is that I’m rolling both back to front and front to back!!! For the past month, I could only go from my back to my tummy and then I’d get stuck! It was quite frustrating. I even would wake Mom and Dad up during the middle of the night to help flip me back. But, this past weekend I mastered the dual roll! Yay!!! I can finally flip myself in all directions and it sure is amusing!

As you know, I started eating my first solids over Memorial Day. I have really been enjoying trying new foods. Thus far, I’ve tasted apples, peaches, pears, and bananas mixed in with my rice cereal! Yummy!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Day!

Memorial Day

Hey guys, Faith here! It was quite the weekend! My family and I headed up to the cabin on Pelican Lake to celebrate the Memorial Day weekend! What fun we had!

The weekend started out great because when I got to the cabin, I found a surprise waiting for me in my crib! Papa had bought me an adorable pair of furry, fuzzy booties! They sure are cute and comfy … I can’t wait to wear them in the winter! Check ‘em out!

Then I played outside with Mom and Dad for a little while and they tried to explain to me that Memorial Day is all about celebrating and honoring those soldiers who have given their life serving our country. Thank you service men and women!

While I got to be outside, the dogs had to stay inside. They were sure eyeing the lake wanting to go for a swim! What funny pups! Don’t worry though, they got lots of swimming in over the weekend!

Probably the biggest development of the weekend though was that I started eating solids! Yay! I got my first taste of rice cereal mixed with a little applesauce.

All the grown-ups said I did “great!” I wasn’t too sure what to think of it but it was kind of fun to try something new!

One of my favorite things about the cabin is our morning routine. After I woke up, we got to go into town for a coffee and a morning walk on the Paul Bunyan Trail. It was a fabulous way to start the day!

And it wouldn’t be cabin living without some sunbathing! I’m a beach baby!

Just lounging around!

Free Spirit!

I also got to take my first boat ride!

It was fun to be on the boat but I didn’t like it after Mom made me put on my life jacket … that thing was too constrictive. I guess I’ll just have to get used to it!

Another awesome thing about cabin life is the shopping! While the boys went golfing, Mom, Nana, and I went shopping! One of the stores had pretty flowers hanging outside … I liked to smell them!

I hope your Memorial Day was as great as mine!