Tuesday, May 18th, 2010
It's that time of the month again ... it's my "monthly birthday!" I'm officially 5 months old!

I have been doing so many things! I am much more alert than I used to be and can pretty much hold my head up all by myself! I also can roll from my tummy to my back (but only when I really want to ... no amount of coaxing will make me do it)! I also can grab almost everything and bring it to my mouth. That new skill really works out handy when my
Nuk falls out ... I can just plop it back in! And speaking of putting things in my mouth, I love to lay on my back and put both feet in my mouth! I am very flexible! I've also mastered the art of the hand transfer ... I can transfer objects from one hand to the next! I also love to blow bubbles and make silly sounds! And I have the sweetest smile and the cutest laugh! And, I certainly know and recognize special people in my life. In fact, I'm now reaching out for Mama and hold her tight! I'm also getting a little bit of stranger anxiety towards some people. But overall, I am a very happy girl!
Strike a pose!
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