Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Play Ball!

Wednesday, May 26th, 2010
Go Twins!

As many of you know, my Daddy loves baseball and he loves the MN Twins! Mom and Dad have been to 2 games now in the past week (thanks Nick and Shelly and Mark and Lana for taking my parents to the games)!

Which means I've been sporting all of my super cute Twins gear!

And get this, last Friday night, my Mom was on the jumbo-tron at the game! hahaha A Twins PR lady stopped her in the hallway and asked if she wanted to play a trivia game during the 3rd inning for the entire stadium to watch on the jumbo-tron! She agreed and guess what, she got the answers right and won passes to the Legends' Club and an official Twins jersey! Way to go Mom!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Beach Baby!

Florida – Spring 2010

Wow … do I have a lot to share with you! My family and I just got back from Florida on my first vacation and it was amazing! We had so much fun!!!

It was my first plane ride and Mom was a bit nervous that I might fuss a little. But, I was the perfect angel on the ride there and back home! Silly Mommy, she had nothing to worry about!

Once we got to Florida it was warm and sunny! So obviously the first thing we did was head for the pool! Check out my adorable swimsuit and matching sunglasses! Papa sure thinks I look cute!

On our first day I didn’t get totally in the water but I got to put my feet in! It felt cool!

On day two, we hung by the pool for a little while and then us girls went shopping on Ocean Drive. There were some pretty neat shops! And after our shopping excursion we stopped in at a fancy hotel owned by Gloria Estefan, called Costa de Este, and enjoyed a happy hour drink! The older gals had mojitos and I had a glass of the “house white!” hahaha Here I am hanging out with Mom pool-side at Gloria’s hotel!

The next day, when I woke up I kept hearing Mom and Nana talk about this place called Steinmart. They kept telling me that we were going to “shop till we drop!”

I didn’t understand what all the fuss was about until we got there. And ladies, let me tell you, it’s an awesome store!

After we got home from our mega Steinmart run, I needed to chill out. So we relaxed on the patio for a while.

Then we headed to this fun restaurant on the Indian River where they serve all fresh fish that was caught that day right outside the restaurant.

I love my parents!

Happy family!

The next day was Mother’s Day and it was really special for both my Mom and my Grandma! It was an amazing day. We started off by having breakfast on the patio and the mothers opened gifts. While we were hanging out, Uncle Phil took me on a walk to see some wildlife. I love my Uncle!

Then, we went to the beach club and I debuted my bikini!

Boy oh boy was the ocean neat! I loved watching the waves roll in and listening to the sound of them crashing on the shore.

Mom and Dad dipped my feet into the ocean for the first time and I wasn’t scared at all. I liked the feel of the water on my feet and the sand between my toes!

And after getting to experience the ocean for the first time, I also got to go swimming for the first time! I loved it!

Overall, Mother’s Day was a great day. In fact, my Mommy said it was the best 1st Mother’s Day she could have ever asked for!

The next day, we enjoyed our morning routine of hanging out on the patio and I discovered the palm trees. I really liked them!

Then we went to the pool again! I sure like swimming!

And I thought it was so fun when Papa went swimming with me! We splashed on the steps together and he really made me laugh!

That night, we went to the beach club for dinner. It was so neat to see the beach in the evening!

The next day we spent a little time by the pool so I could work on my tan!

Then we did a little more shopping on Ocean Drive and went to a fancy hotel restaurant for dinner on the beach!

And on our last day of “fun in the sun,” we went to the beach again! We started out by having some lunch and then I got to witness history … NASA launched the space shuttle and we got to see it live! It was really neat! We stood on the beach and looked to the sky at 2:20 – launch time -- and out of no where this rocket shot up into the sky and there was a huge tail of fire as it burst through the clouds. It was really cool!

Florida with the family was awesome! I had such a good time and can’t wait to go back!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

5 Months!

Tuesday, May 18th, 2010
It's that time of the month again ... it's my "monthly birthday!" I'm officially 5 months old!

I have been doing so many things! I am much more alert than I used to be and can pretty much hold my head up all by myself! I also can roll from my tummy to my back (but only when I really want to ... no amount of coaxing will make me do it)! I also can grab almost everything and bring it to my mouth. That new skill really works out handy when my Nuk falls out ... I can just plop it back in! And speaking of putting things in my mouth, I love to lay on my back and put both feet in my mouth! I am very flexible! I've also mastered the art of the hand transfer ... I can transfer objects from one hand to the next! I also love to blow bubbles and make silly sounds! And I have the sweetest smile and the cutest laugh! And, I certainly know and recognize special people in my life. In fact, I'm now reaching out for Mama and hold her tight! I'm also getting a little bit of stranger anxiety towards some people. But overall, I am a very happy girl!

Strike a pose!