Friday, April 9, 2010

Great-Grandma Dewall

Friday, April 9th, 2010
Today my Mom and my Nana took me to “meet” a very special lady, my Great-Grandma, Adele Dewall. She passed away before I was born and I sure wish she was here to hold me! I know she’s up in Heaven but she is buried at Fort Snelling.

We’ve been waiting and waiting for the warm weather to get out there to see her. I was very excited to introduce myself! It was such a special day for all of us girls.

I just had to include this picture because I think it's so funny and so fitting! My Great-Grandma was quite a "classy lassy" and loved clothes, shoes, and jewlery (just like my Mommy)!!! So Mom put her fancy red shoe on Great-Grandma's grave in honor of Adele Dewall! Great-Grandma D would have loved these shoes!

1 comment:

  1. This post brought tears to my eyes. So special! Give that beautiful little girl a squeeze from us.
