Sunday, April 18, 2010

4 Months!

Sunday, April 18th, 2010
Well, it's my "birthday" again! I'm officially 4 months old now! Here's my monthly cupcake picture!

Can you believe I can actually hold onto the cupcake now?! I'm getting so big!

Other than celebrating my 4 month birthday, we also went for a nice long walk today! I love cruisin' the neighborhood with Mom, Dad, and Summer! I also got to play outside with Mom and Dad for a while today. I have to be very careful to stay out of the sun though ... this Irish skin will fry in seconds! Check out my cute sun-hat!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Go Twins!

Monday, April 12th, 2010
I’m all ready to cheer on my favorite team!

I’m hoping for a World Series win this year! Go Twins!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Great-Grandma Dewall

Friday, April 9th, 2010
Today my Mom and my Nana took me to “meet” a very special lady, my Great-Grandma, Adele Dewall. She passed away before I was born and I sure wish she was here to hold me! I know she’s up in Heaven but she is buried at Fort Snelling.

We’ve been waiting and waiting for the warm weather to get out there to see her. I was very excited to introduce myself! It was such a special day for all of us girls.

I just had to include this picture because I think it's so funny and so fitting! My Great-Grandma was quite a "classy lassy" and loved clothes, shoes, and jewlery (just like my Mommy)!!! So Mom put her fancy red shoe on Great-Grandma's grave in honor of Adele Dewall! Great-Grandma D would have loved these shoes!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Hoppy Easter

Sunday, April 4th, 2010

Oh boy … what a fun and busy weekend this was!

It all started on Thursday afternoon when my Mom and our friend Lana took me to a neighborhood Easter egg hunt! It was a beautiful sun-shiney afternoon and we got to meet lots of neighbor kids and their Mommies.

Then on Friday night I went to church with my family (Mom, Dad, Nana, and Papa … my Aunt Meaghan met us there too). Mom and Dad said we usually go to Easter service on Sunday morning but figured that Friday might be the best option for a little peanut like me (in case I got fussy).

As you can see, my Mommy got me all dressed up in a cute Easter dress. And check out my shoes … they are bunnies! We call them my “sweet feet!”

Then after church on Friday, we went to the TPC for dinner with the family! I was a real hit in my cute outfit up there!

And then on Sunday, I celebrated Easter! The day started out with an Easter egg hunt around my house which led to my Easter basket! How fun!

Then Mom got me all dressed up again for the big day and we headed out!

We went to brunch at Nana and Papa’s house and then we had dinner at Grandma Flanagan’s. What a fantastic day.

At the end of the night, I was exhausted from all of the celebrations.