Monday, March 15, 2010

What Fun!

What a fun weekend I had! It started out with a visit from my Great Grandpa! He came over to my house to spend some time with me and then he took me (and Mommy and Nana) out to lunch! We felt like such special girls being treated to lunch!

Then, on Saturday night Mom and Dad took me out to dinner to Crave … they said they were “on a date!” It was fabulous to be “out on the town!” I was the perfect angel and didn’t make a peep all through dinner. Mom and Dad were so proud to be able to take me out! After our dinner date, we stopped by my new friend, Caroline’s, house. Caroline is exactly one month younger than me. Check out how much bigger I look than she does … amazing how much changes in a month, huh?! Caroline was so nice … we even held hands!

And to top the weekend off, on Sunday I got to go for a walk around the neighborhood twice! First, Mom, Dad, Summer and I went all around the block and chatted with some neighbors. Then Mom and our friend/neighbor, Lana, strolled around the block again! It was so nice to be outside and get some fresh air!

Hope your weekend was as great as mine!

1 comment:

  1. She is so adorable! How fun to get to spend time with Great Grandpa. And so exciting about her sleeping in her gorgeous nursery. Love you all!
