Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Think Spring!

Wednesday, March 31st, 2010

With all this gorgeous weather we are thinking Spring here at my house! Mom has been dressing me up in cute Spring outfits (check them out in the pictures below)! And we’ve been going for lots of walks! It’s so fun to get outside! We've also just been getting out of the house more as a family. We run errands, we go to church, we go out to dinner, and go shopping. It's so neat to get out in the world!

Mom and Nana bought me this super cute jean jumper at Gap. I’m stylin’ now!

Here I am with Dad before we went to church on Saturday night. I made it all the way up until the Sermon. But then I decided it was my turn to “talk,” so Mom and Dad had to take me out of the service and we watched the rest of it on a TV in the church lobby!

Casual Sunday afternoon!

I know fashion experts say you can’t wear white pants until after Memorial Day but I’m so excited for Spring and Summer that I just had to wear my cute white pants. What do those fashion experts know anyway?!

Happy Easter week everyone!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Baby Shower!

Saturday, March 20th, 2010
Today was so much fun! My Mommy and her high school friends had a baby shower to celebrate Mom’s friend, Kristin, and baby Kendall!

We had a yummy brunch and then opened presents. Kendall is supposed to arrive in early May but she might make her appearance a little bit early! I can’t wait to meet her … we’re going to be best friends like our Mommies!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

St. Patty's and My 3 Month "Birthday"

Wednesday, March 17th, 2010
"Top of the morning to you!"

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!

This is a big day around the Flanagan household for my Daddy. He is very proud to be Irish.

And because I'm his daughter, I'm considered "Wee Irish!" Aren't I the cutest little leprechaun you've ever seen?!

May the luck of the Irish be with you today and always!

Thursday, March 18th, 2010
Today I'm exactly 3 months old! Here's my monthly cupcake photo!

Monday, March 15, 2010

What Fun!

What a fun weekend I had! It started out with a visit from my Great Grandpa! He came over to my house to spend some time with me and then he took me (and Mommy and Nana) out to lunch! We felt like such special girls being treated to lunch!

Then, on Saturday night Mom and Dad took me out to dinner to Crave … they said they were “on a date!” It was fabulous to be “out on the town!” I was the perfect angel and didn’t make a peep all through dinner. Mom and Dad were so proud to be able to take me out! After our dinner date, we stopped by my new friend, Caroline’s, house. Caroline is exactly one month younger than me. Check out how much bigger I look than she does … amazing how much changes in a month, huh?! Caroline was so nice … we even held hands!

And to top the weekend off, on Sunday I got to go for a walk around the neighborhood twice! First, Mom, Dad, Summer and I went all around the block and chatted with some neighbors. Then Mom and our friend/neighbor, Lana, strolled around the block again! It was so nice to be outside and get some fresh air!

Hope your weekend was as great as mine!

Friday, March 12, 2010

I Did It!

Thursday, March 11th, 2010

Whoa … last night was a big night for me! I slept in my crib in my nursery for the first time! I had been “bunkin’ up” with Mom and Dad by sleeping in my Pack-N-Play crib in their bedroom. They liked having me close in order to listen for me and attend to my needs. However, now that I’m sleeping 5-7 hour stretches, they figured I should start getting used to my real bed in my own bedroom. So, we tried it out last night and I did great! I slept for 7 hours all by myself in my beautiful pink nursery! Mom was really sad to not have me in the room. I guess she woke up 3 different times during the night to check on me! Apparently she needs to get used to our new set-up as well! We’re going to try out the new sleeping arrangements again tonight … wish me luck!

Here are some pics of my pretty nursery!

Monday, March 8, 2010

My New Tricks!

Sunday, March 7th, 2010
Oh Boy ... I am getting so big and doing so many new things! Mom and Dad think it's so exciting to watch me do all of my new "tricks!" Check out a couple of the new things I'm doing ...

First, I love it when people read to me. However, this weekend I decided that I wanted to read all by myself! Can you say, "child prodigy?!" hahaha Here I am with one of my favorite books, "The Funny Pup!"
Another fun, new thing that I tried this weekend was my jungle jumparoo! It is amazing! I can jump up and down in it, I can spin round and round, and there are several different toys to play with (not to mention the music and the lights)! Wow ... I love my jumparoo!