Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Angel Adele

Wednesday, February 17th, 2010
Well, I'm sad to say that I got my first cold this past weekend. I was a bit fussy on Saturday night and got the sniffles on Sunday. It's tough being sick. But, one of the things that's helping me through it is my Angel Adele (more about her below)! Here I am sleeping with her ... she watches over me each day!

As you know, my name is Faith Adele. My middle name, Adele, is after my great-grandma, Adele Dewall. Unfortunately, great-grandma passed away before I was born. Mom loves her very much and misses her dearly. Mom said she was the most caring, beautiful, classy lady she knew. In fact, she calls her “the ladies lady.” So it means a lot to be named after such a wonderful woman! Even though I never got to meet my great-grandma Adele, I know she’s an angel watching over me. So … I named my angel finger-puppet “Angel Adele!”

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