Hi and Happy New Year! I know I need to post about Christmas but before I do that, I wanted to share my holiday dance recital!
I've been taking dance lessons for the past several months and we had a little dance "showcase" prior to Christmas! I am quite the little dancer. I am very attentive to the teachers and want to do everything correctly.
Here's one of my favorite dances ... it's the "ABC Rock!"
Mom says I have really good arm placement!
Viewettes ... here I come!
I know this looks like I'm sleeping. But don't worry ... it's part of the dance! hehehe
Check out my "ups!" I'm a pretty good little jumper!
Heel Touch, Heel Touch!
We also did a snowflake dance with a scarf. Check out my port de bras (that means "carriage of the arms" in French)! Pretty good for 3, huh?
And here's my class! Aren't we a cute bunch?!
Mommy is so proud of my dancing!