Saturday, December 22, 2012

Birthday, Birthday, and More Birthday!

Horray! I'm 3!  Can you believe it?  We did A LOT, and I mean A LOT of celebrating! 

I had my first "kid" birthday party and 6 of my favorite little ladies came over to help me celebrate!  It was a ballerina theme and it was fabulous!

Mom put LOTS of planning into my first kids' party.  So here is her hard work ... 

When guests first entered, my tutu and mom's first pair of pointe shoes were hanging on the door.  And then our snowman greeted them dressed in a tutu!
And here's the tablescape!  It was so cool ... we got to dine under a pink canopy!
Mom also put out a pretty good "spread" ...  Here's some of the yummy treats that we noshed on!
Ballet shoes cookies ... aren't they adorable?!
And no party is complete without cake pops!
I even had my own candy bar for guests to fill up their bags with goodies!
OK ... now on to the actual party!  Obviously I dressed in my ballet attire but can you believe mom even wore one of her old tutus from her dancing days?!  She said she was only doing this because she loves me sooooooo much! hahaha
When my guests first arrived, we started by making princess crowns and wands...
And while we were getting all of our princess ballerina gear ready, my little brother, Teague, was flirting with another girl! 
Then we went downstairs and played a couple of birthday games like ballerina cake walk, ballerina bean bag toss, and pointe shoe pinata!

But the BEST part of the party was when a REAL ballerina came to my house and taught us a super fun dance!
Overall, I thought it was pretty fabulous!

Some other fun stuff we did to celebrate my birthday included ...

Disney On Ice!
I was in awe!
And then we went to Cafe Latte for a birthday lunch and cupcake! I was so excited I ran all the way there!
On my actual birthday, we went to Sky Zone to do some trampoline jumping ...
Even Teague got in on the action.
And then it was time for more presents and cake!
The candle progression ...
And of course I had to swipe some frosting!  Mmmmmm...

And finally ... I wasn't the only person celebrating a "birthday" ... It was also Teague's 11 month birthday!  Here he is!
Teague's such a funny little man!  He is very happy, loves to play, and gets into everything!
Mom and I made him try  these on ... too funny!

3 years has come and gone too fast!  But it's been amazing thus far!  Can't wait to see what else is in store for me! :)