November 17th, 2012
Now that Teague is getting a little bit older, I am finding him to be more fun! hahaha He is actually able to interact with me and play with me. Therefore, we are doing more things together and it's great!
Here we are playing on our swing set together.
And here we are on election day sporting our red, white, and blue!
And it sure is fun to take a bath together!
We went to the zoo the other day together and I just had to share this picture because I think it's pretty cool ... sleeping bears and me! Grrrrr!
Another thing that's been going on lately is that I'm gearing up for my 3rd birthday! I'm having a ballerina themed party. One month until my big day!
And speaking of birthdays ... it was Teague's 10 month birthday today! Here are his monthly "block" pics! Isn't he hilariously cute?!
Teague is standing up on EVERYTHING! That's his favorite thing to do. He is starting to walk with his push-walker. We'll see ... maybe he'll walk before his 1st birthday?! He also has learned a couple new tricks ... when asked "How big is Teague?," he throws his arms up with a big smile on his face. He also can clap on command and give high fives! Teague LOVES to play! He is very content playing with anything and everything! He is also starting to eat "normal" food now. Each day he is trying something new. The only thing we've found that he doesn't care for is bananas (like his dad). He is still a total "mama's boy" and is very sweet. Happy 10 months little bro!