Here's my last day of dance! I've been dancing (with Mommy) every Wednesday morning for the past year and it's been so fun! I am quite the ballerina!
This is my teacher, Miss Tracy! She gave me a trophy on my last day ...
And then we celebrated with a cookie!
And here I am berry picking! I sure do love strawberries!
I liked the strawberries so much that I was eating them with the green stem on and all! So Mom had to feed me one and show me how to bite the berry away from the stem! hahaha
And finally, it was Teague's 5 month "birthday!" Here's his monthly block pictures!
Teague is getting so big! He can roll over (both ways) and sit up with assistance. He is also eating solids. He's also laughing out loud a lot and is very smiley! He LOVES his Mommy and now reaches out for her and "lights up" whenever he sees her. Teague also is quite the little players. He loves to play with his toys and jump-a-roo in his monkey jumper. I'm starting to think that having a little brother is kinda cool!