Sunday, June 24, 2012

(Belated) Ballerinas, Berries, and Birthdays!

Here's my last day of dance!  I've been dancing (with Mommy) every Wednesday morning for the past year and it's been so fun!  I am quite the ballerina!
This is my teacher, Miss Tracy!  She gave me a trophy on my last day ...
And then we celebrated with a cookie!

And here I am berry picking!  I sure do love strawberries!
I liked the strawberries so much that I was eating them with the green stem on and all!  So Mom had to feed me one and show me how to bite the berry away from the stem!  hahaha

And finally, it was Teague's 5 month "birthday!"  Here's his monthly block pictures!
Teague is getting so big!  He can roll over (both ways) and sit up with assistance.  He is also eating solids.  He's also laughing out loud a lot and is very smiley!  He LOVES his Mommy and now reaches out for her and "lights up" whenever he sees her.  Teague also is quite the little players.  He loves to play with his toys and jump-a-roo in his monkey jumper.  I'm starting to think that having a little brother is kinda cool!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Summer Cabin Fun!

Hey everybody ... Faith and Teague here!  We hope you've been enjoying the Summer thus far!  We sure have!  We especially like going to the cabin! 

Here we are swinging together in what I, Faith, calls "the spider swing" because it looks like a spider-web!
Another thing we like to do at the cabin is go on the boat!
Here's Teague in his baby life-jacket ... isn't he cute?  He wasn't too sure the first time we put the life-vest on him, but he "warmed up" to it pretty quickly.

In fact, once on the boat, Teague actually really liked it.  He enjoyed it so much that he fell asleep and took a little siesta in the sun!
Here we are approaching the island with the seagulls and the goats ... Dad and I are on the look out! 
 Papa even let me drive the boat ... it was awesome!
Another great thing about cabin living is the donuts!  We get donuts every Saturday morning at the cabin.  Yummy! 

 And speaking of treats ... let me tell you what I tried for the first time this past weekend ... a root beer float!  It was amazing!  We had a root beer float party!  Here I am dishing up the ice cream!
 And then sampling it ...
" Go on Mom, pour that root beer!"
 Oh Yeah!
 At the cabin, I also go fishing with the boys.  This past weekend Mom even went with us (even though she's afraid of fish and worms)!

 Here's Teague and I playing in our ducky ... "quack quack!"

 And speaking of Teague ... He recently turned 4 months!  Here's his 4 month photos!
He's getting so big!  He is 15 pounds, 8 ounces!  And, he is learning lots of new stuff.  He can roll over now (both front-to-back and back-to-front).  And he's almost sitting by himself.  And he LOVES to stand!  Mom thinks he's just going to skip crawling and walk instead! 
Another new thing for Teague is that he started eating solid foods.  Here's his first feeding!
 So far he's sampled apples, pears, bananas, peaches, apple-cherry, and sweet potato flavors mixed with his rice cereal.  He likes apples, pears, and apple-cherry the best!
I like to help feed him too!  Being his big sister, I need to show Teague how to do things!