Wednesday, May 23, 2012


For the past 10 days I've been vacationing in Florida!  It was AWESOME!  We had so much fun and did soooooo many things!  Here's a recap (with LOTS of pictures) of my amazing trip!
It started off with a plane ride!  I've been on a plane for 3 different trips to Florida but this is the first time I actually knew what was going on.  I was so excited to go flying (unlike mommy)!
 When we got to the Florida airport, Goofy was there to "greet" me!
 Here are my wings for being such a great flyer!
Baby Teague did wonderful on the plane too!
 Once we arrived to the house, we immediately changed into our bathing suits and hit the pool.  
 After the pool, we went out of pizza at a place on the ocean.  While we waited for our dinner, I checked out the "big blue" and collected shells.  I loved it!!!
 Then we went to my favorite ice cream shoppe and got a treat!  My cone even had sprinkles on it (like Fancy Nancy)!!!
 Too bad Teague is still too little for ice cream!  But he slept through the whole thing anyway!
 The next day we went to the beach and I really played in the ocean ... it was fabulous!
 Swimming in the pool was pretty awesome too!
 Me and Dad ... just goofin' around!
While I was soaking up the sun, Teague caught a little cat nap in the cabana.  He looks pretty relaxed at the beach!
 Family time ... 
Look ... Teague and Mommy match!
Check out my cool "professional" swim suit!  I could really float in this baby ...
 The first time that I went to Florida I was about Teague's age.  Mom has some really cute pictures of me sitting in this chair just like Teague.  She wanted to compare the two of us.  Here he is looking pretty cute!
Here's my photo ... What do you think ... do we look alike?
 One cool new thing I learned to do at the beach was boogie board (kinda)...
 Catchin' some waves!!!
 I also wanted to go "sledding" in the sand ...
 Family pool time!
 One super awesome thing about the beach club are the smoothies ... yummy!!!
After all that playing at the beach and pool ... Teague was tuckered out!
 The next day we picked oranges!
 Palm tree peek-a-boo!

 One super neat thing I got to do was play in the splash-pad!
 Check out my cool goggles!
 And then the day finally arrived ... the day we had all been waiting for .. DISNEY WORLD!!!  Here I am at the "crack of dawn" ready to go to the Magic Kingdom!
Teague was pretty "bright-eyed and bushy-tailed" that morning as well!  Mickey Mouse ... here we come!
Sooooo excited ... can't wait to get there!
 The first ride we went on was the tea cups ... here we are before getting on!  And let me tell you, I loved the tea cups!  It was so fun!  We spun around so fast!  In fact, Mom thought we'd have to spin slowly because it was my first time on the ride.  But ... I wanted to go faster and faster so I was actually the one who was spinning the tea cup ... it was great!
 Here am I waiting in line for Pooh's Hunny Pot ride ... Peek-a-Pooh!
 And here we are in the hunny pot!
After the hunny pots, we watched a 4-D movie.
And then it was time for a little ice cream treat!
Next we hit up Dumbo ... 
 Right next to the Dumbo ride was Goofy's roller-coaster.  Mom thought I was too young to go on the coaster but I was tall enough to ride it.  I really wanted to try it, so we did!  The ride sure was high and fast but I handled it like a champ and actually kind-of liked it in the end.
After the rides, we headed to "set up shop" for the Mickey parade.  This was the one thing I had talked about for months prior to going to Disney.
 While we were waiting, I got this awesome balloon and adorable Minnie ears!
 But wouldn't you know ... as we waited for the parade, it rained and rained and rained.  It rained so much that they cancelled the parade!!!  I was bummed out and said, "Faith not get to see any princesses.  Their dresses are all wet from the rain!"  hahaha

But ... we made the most of it and the rain eventually stopped.
 And then the moment came for us to meet the Mouse!
 I was a little shy but I actually gave him a high-five and waved to him!
And then I got to meet some real-life princesses!  I was soooooooooooo excited to meet the princesses, especially Cinderella.  I had been talking about meeting her for several days!

And here she is!!!

 Mom and I even sang her the "Cinderelly" song!
After meeting Cinderella, I whispered in Mom's ear, "She is a REAL princess!"  Mom thought it was one of the sweetest things she's ever heard ... she said it was so innocent! 

Then we met Belle and Sleeping Beauty!
 Overall, I had a magical day at the Magic Kingdom!

Unfortunately, our trip had to come to an end.  We spent our last day at the beach and then went out to a fancy dinner.  Don't I look like such a little lady?!
On our way to dinner we saw this very rare bird ... it has a flat bill and is a beautiful pink and white color.

 The restaurant was right on the ocean so afterwards we took one last walk on the beach ... 
 We even saw a rainbow over the ocean ... beautiful!
 Here's Teague on the beach ... 
 And we finished our evening with "Superman" ice cream!
 Florida was absolutely FABULOUS and I can't wait to go back!