Saturday, March 17th, 2012
Not only is today St. Patrick's Day but it's also my baby brother, Teague's, 2 month birthday. Here is how we celebrated!
The day started off with some green oatmeal!
And here's Teague in his St. Patty's Day pajamas!
I am Mom and Dad's Irish Princess and he's our Little Leprechaun!
Here's the Flanagan family before the festivities began ... all in green!
Mom and Dad took me on a special St. Patrick's Day date! We went to Kieran's for a family fun event. I did lots of dancing to the awesome Irish music!
Here I am sharing a dance with my boyfriend, Brady!
Then ... after all the dancing ... I got my face painted! I got a sparkly shamrock on my cheek!
It was a fun Irish morning!
During my nap, Teague had a little photo shoot of his own for his 2 month birthday. Isn't he cute?!
And in the evening, Brady and his Mommy and Daddy came over for a BBQ. We ate lots of yummy food, including green ice cream. And then we played on my swingset in the warm weather. It was so fun!
Teague even got in on the action!
After dinner, our daddies took us on a 'wee little nature walk by the pond in my backyard. We saw ducks, geese, pheasants, and an otter! It was awesome!
I had so much fun playing with Brady and his Dad, Nick. I just had a pose for a picture with Nick ... he's a big kid at heart who loves to play! I've got a little crush. Look out Mom and Dad, apparently I've got a thing for older men! hahaha
And we rounded out the evening by playing in the bounce house!
Overall, it was a wonderful St. Patty's Day! Hope you had the "luck of the Irish" on your side today too!