Saturday, February 18, 2012

Made With Love

Happy Valentine's Day!  

This Valentine's, Mom and I made special cookies to celebrate the "day of love!"  You could say that they were "made with love!" 
 I was such a good helper!
 I watched the cookies closely as they were baking!  I was so excited to decorate and taste them!  I kept telling Mommy, "Ready now, Mama ... ready now."
 And then the time came to decorate my cookies ... I put pink frosting on top!
And don't forget the sprinkles!
 And finally, it was time to taste them.  Mmmmm ... So good!
 Too bad Mommy can't have any of these ... she LOVES frosting!
 Another thing that was "made with love" is my baby brother, Teague.  

He turned 1 month old on the 17th!  As some of you may remember, my Mommy would always take a monthly picture of me (0-1 years old) with a cupcake.  For Teague, we are using blocks!
 Isn't he sweet?  A sleeping baby is always the best.  And let me tell you, Teague is NOT much of a sleeper!  He's awake more than he's asleep.  Mom says that's crazy for a newborn!  He is such a night owl that he never falls asleep before 11:30 and is awake a majority of the day.  It's making it a bit tough on Mom and Dad.  But I don't mind ... I like when his eyes are open.  I always announce, "Eyes open, eyes open!"
 Happy Valentine's Day ... I hope yours was filled with love!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Big Bummer & Other Things ...

Friday, February 10th, 2012

Well ... life around here sure is different having a new baby at my house.  I really like my little brother, Teague, but I'm still adjusting to the change.

One of my favorite things to do is hold him, like this!
But poor baby Teague ... he has developed a milk, soy, and/or egg allergy.  That means his tummy hurts after he eats.  I had this as a baby but didn't get it until I was 5 months old.  And, my symptoms were MUCH milder than Teague's.  It's a BIG BUMMER for both Teague and Mommy.  It means that Mommy can't eat anything that has milk, soy, or egg products in it.  She is sad for Teague because it's hard to watch her baby in pain.  And she's sad for herself, especially because her favorite foods are ice cream, cereal (with milk), and chocolate ... none of which she can have anymore!
Here I am trying to make baby Teague feel better.  I love him up and talk to him and tell him, "Stop crying baby Teague," or "All better baby Teague," or I "shhhhhhh" him.
I even tried to make him feel better by sharing my Ariel doll with him!

Even though he's not feeling good after he eats, Teague sure is cute!  Check out some of his pictures below!

On a happier note ... I'm back at dance class!  I'm doing an awesome job and have turned into quite the little ballerina.  Before going back to class, Mom took me to the store and let me pick out a new leotard.  This is the one I chose ... pink with sparkles on it ... Mom was happy with my decision!  hahaha

After dance, Mom usually takes me somewhere fun to get a treat! 

And here I am on the stairs in yet another tutu!  Gotta love it!

I'm practicing my arabesque!
Another fun thing that I recently did was have a Super Bowl party.  Before the big game, I did some painting (I was making posters to cheer on my team).  And of course, I chose to be naked because I love being "nudey booty."
Teague got into the Super Bowl spirit by wearing his football outfit!
During the big game, I had a "picnic" in my new basement.  It was awesome!
And here I am watching the game with Daddy and Uncle Philly!
And finally, even though it's cold out today, I have really enjoyed the previous days' of nice weather.  I can't believe we got to be outside in February!!!
I'm such a good shoveler ... I can really move that snow!
Baby Teague even came outside with me!  I showed him how to blow bubbles!
He was so content in his snuggly sack outside that this was how he looked after we came in.  I can't wait for him to get bigger so we can really play outside together!