Hi Everybody! It's me, Elmo! hehehe
As you can see, I'm going to be Elmo for Halloween this year! I love Elmo, so it was the perfect costume choice. I got to test run my costume this weekend at a family Halloween event in Maple Grove.
Here I am getting all ready for the big debut! Even though I don't look happy in this first picture, I actually was...this was just a "bad angle." I loved wearing my costume and dressing up as my furry friend!

Can it get any cuter?

All ready to collect some treats!

When we got to the Halloween party, everyone kept saying "Hi Elmo!" ... I guess I really looked the part.


Here I am in the bounce-house. I LOVE bouncing! I even went in the hopper 2 times because it's so fun!
Elmo's dashing towards the obstacle course ... I'm going to be the big winner!

I stopped and saw some real-life princesses and they gave me the pretty necklace I'm wearing.

Then it was off to the pumpkin-rolling contest...

For rolling the pumpkins so well, I got this treat! Yummy!

Off to the next stop ... This way Mom and Dad!

In order to get a popcorn treat, you had to slide down this big slide to the beach and do a treasure hunt in the sand for a gold coin. Then you give the coin to a nice witch who gives you the popcorn. Check it out ...
Sliding ...

Digging for the golden coin ...
I got it!

Exchanging the coin for the popcorn ...
And finally, enjoying "the fruits of my labor!" Yummmm
I also got 2 little pumpkins painted on my hands.
More treats!

I played the "ghost walk" game and won this yummy rice krispie treat. It sure was good!

And finally, I rounded out my day with a quick round of golf! Go Elmo go!

Overall, I had so much fun at the Halloween party AND dressing up as Elmo! I can't wait to do it again next week for the real Halloween!