Sunday, August 28, 2011

State Fair AND Golden Boy!

Sunday, August 28th, 2011

Today I went to the State Fair for the first time ever. My Daddy loves "The Great MN Get-Together." Therefore, he was really excited to take his girls!
One of the very first things we did was ride the Super Slide. I really wanted to do it but Mom was a little nervous it was too tall for me...I mean, look at how high that giant yellow slide is!
But, away I went. I wasn't too sure about it during the ride (check out my face)...
But afterwards, I thought it was great! What an awesome slide that was ... I wish I had one of those in my "park" in the backyard!
Next it was time for some cotton candy ... Yum!
After my treat, we headed into the animal barns. I really liked the sheep! They were so cute and fuzzy. And then we walked through the Midway. Whoa ... that place has lots of colors and sounds. It was amazing! I really wanted to go on the Sky Glider ride but I was too little ... maybe next year?
Then it was off to Machinery Hill. I love trucks, tractors, and lawn mowers. So obviously I was a "natural" on the 4-wheeler!
And finally, we rounded out our day with some mini donuts. I couldn't scarf those babies up fast enough ... man, they were good!
Overall I thought the State Fair was pretty neat.

Another awesome thing that happened today was that it was my Uncle Phil's Golden Birthday! So to help him celebrate, we went out to dinner as a family. My favorite part of the evening was the cake! I just couldn't get enough of that yummy treat.
Here are some pictures of me and Philly over the past year. I love him so much!
One of the things I love most about my Uncle is that he really likes to play with me! He is one of the best players I know!
Oh, and he gives me treats too! That's pretty great!
Happy 28th Birthday Phil!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Splash Pad!

Sunday, August, 21st, 2011

Today I went to the Splash Pad and the Beach. I had so much fun! I loved playing in the water.
I tried to run underneath all of the fountains that made arches. I called it going through the "tunnel."
I also thought it was really funny to put my pink ball in the middle of the multi-sprayer fountains and watch it bobble around.
I had no fear of the water. I got right up there and even tried to stick my face in some of the fountains. Hey ... I was thirsty and needed a drink!
I thought it was pretty neat to cover the fountains up with my feet too. Where did the water go?
By the end of it, I was soaked!
What a great day!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Ice Cream!

Saturday, August 6th, 2011

Hey everybody ... Faith here! It's been a long time since I've updated the blog. Our camera broke and therefore we haven't taken many pictures lately.

I have certainly taken after my Mama with my love for sweets! I like all sorts of treats but certainly enjoy my ice cream. Here I am eating some ice cream ... making sure I get EVERY last drop!
Do I have anything on my face?
My Papa really likes ice cream too. Here we are enjoying the cool treat right out of the container! The dogs, Aspen and Summer, really wanted some as well.
And on a totally different note, a few weeks ago I went to my first movie, "Whinnie the Pooh." It was so fun! I got to sit like a big girl in my own chair and eat popcorn and drink a juice box ... it was great! I made it through almost the entire movie before getting a little bored. But I can't wait to go again ... the whole experience was so neat!