Wednesday, June 22, 2011

1 1/2 Year Old!

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011
Well, today I had my 18 month doctor's appointment and I figured I'd give you an update as to how I'm "measuring up," and all that I'm doing these days!

I weigh 26 pounds, 12 ounces which puts me in the 75% for weight.
I am 34 inches tall which puts me in >97% for height.
Mommy keeps telling me that I'm a lucky girl because I'm "long and lean."

My motor skills are right where they should be as well. I can walk, run, jump (kind of), and my new favorite skill of walking backwards. I point to everything I see. Overall I am an active toddler who loves to play (especially outside). One of my favorite places is the park!

As for verbal development, I am way ahead of the game on that one. I legitimately have about 90 words. Here's a list of all of the things that I can say. I'm constantly telling Mommy or Daddy what things are when I see them. So that's great!
At 18 Months:
1. Mama 2. Mom 3. Dada
4. Nana 5. Papa 6. Woof-Woof (dog)
7. Quack 8. Duck 9. Kaka (bird...b/c birds say "caw, caw")
10. Rarrrr (lion, tiger, bear, etc.) 11. Phewww (elephant)
12. Moo (cow) 13. Cow 14. Ahh-Ahhh-Ahhh (monkey)
15. Bee 16. Choo-Choo (train) 17. Vroom-Vroom (car/truck)
18. Car-Car (car) 19. Truck 20. Cracker
21. Nana (banana) 22. Juice 23. Noi-Noi (nuk)
24. Ball 25. Up 26. Brush
27. Bubble 28. Pop 29. Bath
30. Fish 31. Shoes 32. Apple
33. Num-Nums 34.Bap-Baps (berries) 35. Strawberry
36. Nak (snack) 37. Yum Yum (food) 38. Mmmmmm (f00d)
39. Hop Hop (bunny) 40. Arr-Arr-Arr (seal) 41. Milk
42. Off 43. Bump-Bump (stairs ... going down the stairs)
44. Baaaa (lamb) 45. Hot 46. Worm
47. Bike 48. Go 49. Flower
50. Baby 51. Stuck 52. Map (from Dora the Explorer)
53. Backpack (from Dora) 54. Bug
55. Bug 56. Ba Bye (bye) 57. George (Curious George)
58. Lana (neighbor) 59. Mark (neighbor) 60. Watch
61. Clock 62. Lunch 63. Dooreur (Dora the Explorer)
64. Hook (Captain Hook) 65. Bear
66. Plane 67. Bow 68. Boat
69. Book 70. Blay (Blankie) 71. Chair
72. Buuut (Butterfly) 73. Eyes 74. Mouth
75. Pooh (Pooh Bear) 76. Teeth 77. No
78. Mick (Mickey Mouse) 79. Phone
80. Poop 81. Rock (for actual rocks or rocking in rocking chair)
82. Nigh-Nigh (Night-Night) 83. Hi
84. Park 85. Mow (Lawn Mower)
86. Mop Mop (bounce, 87. Swing
88. Bee (bib) 89. Brush 90. Done
91. Cake 92. Cookie

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day!

June 18th/19th, 2011

This weekend was Father's Day and I sure got to spend a lot of Q.T. with my Daddy! My favorite thing that we did was go to the Hennepin County Fair. At the fair I got to pet lots of animals. Here I am with Daddy at the petting zoo!
Ducks ... Quack, Quack!
Those little piglets were so cute!
I figured out that if I gave the goats some hay, they would munch it out of my hand. Neat!
Here goatie, goatie!
Check out the horns on this guy!
But probably the coolest thing about the fair was getting to meet one of my favorite cartoon characters...Dora! When I saw Dora, I yelled her name really loud and was yelling out for her map too! "Map, map, map!"
Happy Father's Day to all the daddies out there. I've got one special Dada!

I'd also like to give a "shout out" to another special man in my life, my Papa! He's my Mommy's Daddy and I think the world of him too.
Both these guys love me and play with me so much ... it's amazing!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Grandma Adele's Birthday!

Friday, June 17th, 2011

Today is my Great-Grandma Adele's birthday. So to celebrate, I went to the cemetery with Mom, Nana, and my Great-Grandpa.
I really liked this cute flower ball with the Swedish flags that we used to decorate her headstone. It's so Great-Grandma Adele!
We even sang "Happy Birthday" to Great-Grandma and I thought it was cool! I love that song (I always think people are singing for me)!
After our visit with Adele, we went out to a birthday lunch. What a good day!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

MOA and Other Fun Stuff

This weekend I got to go to the Mall of America with Mommy and Nana and Papa ... it was so much fun!

When I first arrived, we had dinner. Mmmm, Mmmm, Good!
Here I am doing my Dora dance at dinner.
After dinner, Mommy bought me new shoes. And at the shoe store in Nordstroms, they had a fish tank. It was awesome.
Another awesome thing about new shoes is that I got a balloon! Pretty special!
And then it was on to the "main attraction" ... the rides. Whooo Hooo!
One last ride on the merry-go-round and then it was off to bed.
Some other fun stuff ... I went out to lunch with my Mommy and Nana while Daddy golfed with Papa at the TPC. Aren't these flowers pretty?
Here I am with "Baby Aspen," my Nana's new puppy. Isn't he adorable? I love playing with him ... he's just my size!
Another thing I love to play with are my new Barbie wheels ... check 'em out. I'm one cool biker babe!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Summer Fun ... Finally!

June 4th/5th, 2011

What a great weekend it was for outdoor fun!

First, I got to try out my new pool and I loved it!
Check out the water spurting from the elephant's trunk! I was a little timid at first, but totally Neat-O!
The slide is the best part of the pool ... weeeeee!
Another fun thing I did this weekend was go to the Edina Art Fair. Here I am enjoying a shaved ice on a hot afternoon! Refreshing!
This morning, when I woke up, I was so excited to play outside that Mom let me play right after breakfast in my jammies!
I was so excited for my pool that I just couldn't wait. Even though I still had my pj's on, I had to take a quick dip!
And into the water I go ... fully clothed!
Hmmmmm ... wet!
Here's my little wet footprints on the deck. I thought it was hilarious and did a little stomp dance to see my footprints!
Another great thing about Summer is eating outside.
And after lunch and a nap, I was back in the pool! I'm a beach baby!
And to top off the night/weekend, I got Dairy Queen!
Summer likes ice cream too!
And when we were finished with our cool treat, I was ready for our nightly walk. Let's go Mom and Dad ... what's the hold up?
Hope your weekend was as fabulous as mine! Yay for MN Summers!