Hey Everybody, Faith here! I thought I'd share some of my favorite play time activities with you.
I love my little rocking chair! I can't wait to use it on the front porch next to Mommy and Daddy's when the weather gets nicer. But for now, I really enjoy sitting on it inside!

Another one of my favorite things to do is go sledding! I love being outside!
My favorite new toy is this awesome roller coaster! I get going super fast on this baby! I can't wait until we can put the coaster outside! But for now, I'm enjoying my wild ride indoors!

I also got a set of golf clubs and a golf bag! I enjoy whacking the ball around (I actually can hit it all by myself)! Just call me the next Tiger Woods! My clubs came with a little bag that I like to drag around too!
Working on my putting ...

What a great golf teacher! Thanks Daddy!
I also really enjoy playing downstairs. In fact, I want to go downstairs more than anything else! When I'm down there, I love playing in my little house and going down the slide.

I also love to swing downstairs. But again, I can't wait to put the swing outside and do some real "under-dogs" with Mom!

I've also been working on my coloring skills. Although, I like to chew on the crayons just as much as I like actually coloring!

I am so busy that I can turn pretty much anything into something to play with!

For example ... the other night, Mom and I played "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" with my baby bathtub! That was awesome! Mom pushed me all around the house in my "boat."

My doggie, Summer, is a great playmate too! Her and I play all the time! I like using her as a jungle-gym or a comfy "pillow" to lay on.
And my bean bag is a fabulous "jumping pit." I love to run down the hall and then leap into this fluffy bag!

Oh, and another one of my favorite things to do is empty the cupboards and drawers. I think the strainer is quite funny! I play "peek-a-boo" with it! hehehe
Hope you had a great weekend! Lots of love!
P.S. Here's a video of me going down my roller coaster!